Monday, 26 April 2010

After school

Trip! Splat! lol hi again tis me i wanted to say hi and sorry 4 not doing a video link yesterday. Oh today i was moved in english.Well all of the class was. Hi heres two links!
thats pretty bored...and only 7 days of school left!

Sunday, 25 April 2010

The end of the celebrations

Today was the last day of the year when we would celebrate my b-day. I went shopping and bought sims3, a limited adition of avatar ps3 and a dragon. I now have three dragons from how to train your dragon and boy am i happy. My family bought me the ps3 game how to train your dragon but i only played it once. David like the ps3. Cant think of anything else to say bye

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Listen...listen to me!

Just one cornetto! Give it to me! delicious ice cream...from nestcaffie? lol....only 11/12days till my operation and im a little ****** off! (excuse my french!) actually my french teacher made me wait 15mins...till i could go to the loo! well it was gonna be 25 but then i think she remebered what was wrong with me! :) i missed a telling of today i completely forgot to go! oops. sutton if your reading this (i doubt my teachers are) i did forget! I spent lunch with my friend today we just layed around on the field whilst he (yes tis a boy..not my boyfriend i repeat not!) ran around. French was soooooo boring today we just sat there and the teacher droned onnnnnnn and know how it feels! We cant think of anything else to say now....oh yeah! Im gonna try to leave a website address after all my posts i do with something funny or about todays post on it...normally its this!
thats sooo funny listen to the thingy on the credits to! its mum told me to watch this so you can watch it to!
hmmmm not sure what to think mum...but it sure is like batman!
lol bye

Tuesday, 20 April 2010


Hip, hop, dip, dop, flip, flop, srip, shrop! Thats my mood right now! Tralialialia! Im singing thoughts in my head! Saturday is a week away! My mother never stops working....i never stop talking and im getting bored......of Ahhhhhh quite quiet i cant spell!! My life is a pickle and knowone understands, i cant quite remeber what im doing....arghhh i want to your mum i want to be.... like your mum i want to your mum i want to be! Like your mum! That was a tune in my head and me making up the words soz...i better go before my head explodes in a shower of booms!
funny viedio...copy and paste

Monday, 19 April 2010

Books, wow and me

Hey tis me again! Today i am writing this blog under the strict instructions of my mother..(ok there not strict she just wants me to write.:))...mum brought home 12 books today and there all for me! theres hicupp horendous haddock the thirds storys i love those and there are 9 books that look mystery related i have never heard of before. Those ones look kinda old, but most of the books i like look old so im happy...speaking of happy im also happy because last friday(my birthday) the day before i had finally managed to get my character on world of warcraft to level 55! So i then created a death knight and i spealt its name wrong! (you want to know it? You sure? ok then its deadliy) the next day (yes my b-day i was 12) i got him from lvl 55 to lvl 60 and know he has a flying mount! Wahoo i was soooo over the moon. But then mum pointed out i had spent 8 hours on the putu ( short version coz i dont always want to say 'computer' or 'pc') so i wasnt allowed on it any more...but that was fine because i finnaly got to see my step sis so i didnt want to go on it! Hopefully my pic of my death knight will load..its on its flying mount..the ebon gryphon..or as i like to call him...Dark star, shadow and othe cute but mysterious names. owww wont load...kk ill try to give u 2 pics of an ebon gryphon and a deth knioght that looks like myne. ok...death knight is refusing to load so if you want to see the pic i wanted to upload go to this site:
ok? good. My hospital appointement has been put back a week so i have to wait till the 13th of may till an 11year..part of 12...pain can go away! well at least it hasnt been put back a month or something like that.....
<----thats the ebon gryphon mount
well hope you like this post better go soon or my brain will have run dry..mums coming down stairs now soo bye!

Friday, 16 April 2010

My birthday..and other stuff.

Happy birthday to me!
Happy birthday to me!
Happy birthday dear becky....
Happy birthday to me!
hi its my birthday today....did you know i was born in the year of the tiger? Thats 1998! yes im 12 and dont i know it!
lol but as old grannies always say:your only as old as you feel!
today im happy because yesterday i got to level 55 on wow. Now i have a death knight! yahooo. I love the litch king! I love wow. I love not having a stomache ache!...yesterday i was sick 3 times! yeuck!
lol seeya..not sure wether i want to be ya

Wednesday, 14 April 2010


Sorry i didnt do any other posts recently but you see i couldnt think of much to write... im a little annoyed because i have to wait till 11:00 till i can go on wow. And its only 8:00 now! yesterday david forgot how to feed his pet on the game and it was funny because he tries to wind me up by exiting HIS fun. lol. my birthday is this friday..but im not looking forward to it so much because they put my operation back a week! well at least they didnt put it back a month! hmmmm. i really cant think of anything else to write so..Bye

Sunday, 11 April 2010

very short and boring update

hi...yesterday we had a bbq...but unfortunatley i couldnt eat the meat becuase well...i was on a vegteble rampage! I started eating veggies i normally dislike. But then i had a bad tummy. thats the update 4 2 morrow and today im gonna watch bedtime stories whilst my bro goes swimming.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Brothers can be SOOO annoying!

Hey. Im sorry about missing yesterdays post. I didnt have the time with having to go to dads and all that nonsense. You shouldnt realy expect me to post every day but i sure will try to. My brother annoyed me this morning because i said i didnt want to play with him on the playstation 3... so what did he do? Sign in a character and that realy annoyed me because then i couldnt get him off! I didnt see why he couldnt have just asked to play with me and waited because he also went in a strop that i was on the ps3 and he wasnt becaeuse i didnt like him and liked being horrible to him. Lol. so i had to point out that this was my first turn in what? 20weeks or so. he then got into another strop and hid in the loo yarder, yarder,yarder. Urghh he only let me have 20mins and now hes probably gonna have 3 hours! I mean its just not fair. I share all my stuff with him...(well mostly all the stuff i can share) and he hardly ever share with me. Emily (my step-sis) agrees she thinks its totally unfair i mean come on! He told me we could share a small cupcake the other day but when we got home it was glistening with his spit! Yeuck! Then he said it was tough i didnt want it i was having it so i told him that im not having it because he ate all the topping and got his spit all over it! Then he got into another strop because i didnt want a cake he had dribbled and half eaten! I wish he would see some sense in my way of thinking! If your still listening i hope you get what this mornings post is about...My b-day is in 6 days!( excluding today) gotta go ty!

Thursday, 8 April 2010 again. I wanted to make some corrections on todays post. First is: there characters not haracters, second, thats not the death knight its the leader of them. Called the litch king. My day was bad today how was urs? i also just had my hair cut and its annoying because my back is itching like mad! Eyes... there difficult things to read for people like me, there easy for everyone else but hard for the elite few. There beautiful yet so complex. You dont know how difficult they are unless your us, its so hard because the other world expects you to know how they feel just by looking at their eyes and act accordingly, but you read there eyes and what do you see? A complex whirlpool of emotion thats conastantly changing and shifting, one moment its filled with sorrow, the next laughter and cheer. its the eyes i have become slightly addicted to, there portholes to ones soul, staring straight at you. there beautiful, complex and *****(excuse my French) hard to decipher! But then what are humans but the vessels for thought, love and emotion...the three things i loath. (because people expect you to know how they feel by them.) I love eyes..i just wished they loved me. :) better not end this on a glum note! untill next time bye!

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Hi..tis me again..well of course it is! I had a dream last night about my blog..and you know what? I was desperate to get on it this morning..I guess your probably not interested in what i have dreams one else is. Its just that im expressing what i feel like right now and thats a little confusing. Your probably gonna continue reading now arnt you? you dont have to i mean you could log off right about now and never have to read this again. But your still reading so i guess there really is no pleasing people. My brother is playing wow right now (world of warcraft) but its annoying because its my haracter and hes wasting all the mana! Here is a picture of the thing on wow i like most. there called death knights. Its at the top of the screen. well gotta go.. holiday club wont wait you know! Bye

What to do?

I'm stuck here deciding what to write, and thinking 'bout stuff. Its hard because I'm completely new to using the PC for anything other than playing my rpg, world of warcraft. Its all i can think about. But you came on to this site because of the title didn't you? Its an unusual title, just like me. You see, I'm not like the normal school kid......(normal...what is normal?) I'm different, i have endured years of bulling because of something i cant help. I mean who in their right mind would subject a child to such torture? but then you can't blame them too badly(i moved schools because of them) they just don't try to get to know me.....not that i can blame them about that either. dragons are a subject not many people know about. but i do. I love them, collect them and hold them higher than my life. I would even give up my life for them...(there would be no point in giving it up then would there?)...sorry if i keep changing subjects quickly, that's to do with my difference. its hard being me, people expect so much i cant give them. They expect me to be a quiet little person, sitting at the back of class and being nerdy. But I'm not nerdy at all...the nerdiest person in my class has more friends than me even! But then he is nerdy, so the other nerdy kids like him. (there are a lot of them) My mind keeps don't expect this to be of high quality. It's just the ramblings of a kid trying to make her voice heard over the infernal racket of this awful planet! Ill tell you why I'm different shall I? I have Aspergers..(you know what? Most people confuse Aspergers with Asparagus! imagine being a vegtable!)..people just think that makes me a stupid, weird kid that's staring at people that don't know me. Albert Einstein had Aspergers....he got recognised as a mad..(but clever) scientist. I better stop this post soon.. I think mums getting the way im not good at spelling things on the Pc so please. If you dont get anything out of this blog and you thing its generaly rubbish, understand that i can spell, just not so well when i'm typing in a mad flurry of thoughts! I better stop this. good Night