Tuesday, 26 June 2012

So hey

Heyawww Just thought i would pop in and say Hey! So, yesterday i got my first 'tester' to finish reading my story, she said she likes it, but its sad. Another friend read a bit and said its too slow. So im going to try and re-write the beginning, sometime. Anyway, I feel like writing a story, and i did promise my friends i would add them in my Elves with aspergus blog somewhere, so i may as well get it over with. :3 I didnt realise one of my friends was a night elf, or even looked that cool, so he's going to be easy to work into my story. After all, i only have 3 people so far, well, two Technically. I know i havent been posting, and once again sorry. But a girl has to move on in life if she wants to get anywhere, and hey, at least i havent completley forgotten about you. Its just, now its been disabled on Explorer i have to go on Chrome to use it. And i hate Chrome.

So im going to go write now, i dont know how much, or how long. But we will see how it goes. :)

-Your ever grateful friend

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

The Dragon Slayer

Hey, yes i know, don't remind me.

 Anyway, this post is a little late, because the event occurred yesterday. So me and a group of friends raided Blackwing Lair, and I know its a little late to do that. But it was indeed fun.
 So we ran in, murdered evil dragons, and then ran up to Nefarian, where we proceeded to own his face. Literally, as you are about to see in a couple of screenshot's. Or have already seen, depending on where i place them.

 I managed to get Nefarians head, and for once in my WoW game, got to influence Stormwind.

Oh yeah, and I made a deathknight again, she's called Tekkie, and has bright pink hair, I actually am quite fond of it. I took a picture of her next to her friend Quickstrike, whilst shes riding Jesus horse. Jesus horse is my horse, and so called because he can walk on water. :) Quickfire does not have Jesus horse. Also, there is a gnome out their in wow with a horse that is huge. He's Goliath horse. Jesus horse' real name is Christopher. :)

Monday, 4 June 2012

In the middle of something

So, we all know it's the queens diamond jubilee, horay. Yeah sorry about not being ecstatic about this, I'm pleased for the nation, tbh. I just don't see the need to be buzzing about it all over my life. It's only a party really, we don't get celebrations this large on our b-day! Haha well imma go, might post l8