It's cold today, that was one of the first thing's I noticed. My hands and feet instinctively wrapped themselves up in my duvet, avoiding the cold. Yesterday the first thing i noticed was that I was perfectly happy where i was thank you very much, I didn't want to wake up or see a school, or any of the things I was supposed to do. But I did as I was told.
So yes, I know I didn't write yesterday, but I'm not at all worried, no-one looked at my blog yesterday. Not that I mind much, It matters little in the end. As I once tricked my brother into believing for a little, the internet doesn't exist if your not on it. Because no-one can contact you, therefore, to you, it is not there.
But anyway, I just thought i'd talk to you. Because im writing and my head keeps running away from the part im writing. It's a bit like torture, i have to do it, but im not enjoying in 100%.
I have little to say, so i shall just shrink back.
Thursday, 10 January 2013
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Candle light
Hello world.
Do you think, if we looked hard enough into space, we'd see anything interesting? Do you think we'd find life? I find It hard to believe we wouldn't. But what science has to remember, is when the astronomers look to the stars, and try to find life on other planets, they are looking back in time. The life on the planet may have not evolved in the time we are looking at it in. When man reaches out into the stars, and tries to take more planets, because its inventably going to happen, we are going to have to tread carefully.
We cannot just go prancing around the universe, calling ourselves Superior to other races. We can't just assume dominance over everything else like we do on earth.
Humans must evolve, we must adapt, and most importantly, we must learn and follow rules. Because if we do not, we may find ourselves in the dirt, being treated like slaves, or extinct. I am tired of the way so many people treat other beings. Im not one to talk, i agree im a little harsh and insensitive sometimes, okay, quite allot of the time. But there are thousands of people out their worse than me, beating and hurting others, doing nasty things and getting away with it because they're 'better' than everyone else.
But underneath our skin, we are exactly the same as each other, or any animal on this planet. We need to realize this on mass, and act on it, instead of laughing at others, and hurting.
But we are not perfect, and we are all different, so I shall keep my thoughts to myself.
Im visiting three schools this week I believe, not quite sure what to think, but i'll have a look around, I must anyway.
Far away, there is a world, torn asunder by war and rage, the people pray for help, and a light in the darkness, but their prayers go unanswered. No-one is there to help them, no-one is there to guide or be the light in the darkness.
They shall not be alone forever, sooner or later someone has to come and save them, they always do. But whilst the people suffer, it feels never-ending torture. But have faith, for whilst this storm of anger and hate rages, there is a speck of hope, a candle flickering in the darkness, the flame slowly, hungrily growing larger, until it is large enough to ward off the darkness, and the people will live in safety and happiness once more.
Do you think, if we looked hard enough into space, we'd see anything interesting? Do you think we'd find life? I find It hard to believe we wouldn't. But what science has to remember, is when the astronomers look to the stars, and try to find life on other planets, they are looking back in time. The life on the planet may have not evolved in the time we are looking at it in. When man reaches out into the stars, and tries to take more planets, because its inventably going to happen, we are going to have to tread carefully.
We cannot just go prancing around the universe, calling ourselves Superior to other races. We can't just assume dominance over everything else like we do on earth.
Humans must evolve, we must adapt, and most importantly, we must learn and follow rules. Because if we do not, we may find ourselves in the dirt, being treated like slaves, or extinct. I am tired of the way so many people treat other beings. Im not one to talk, i agree im a little harsh and insensitive sometimes, okay, quite allot of the time. But there are thousands of people out their worse than me, beating and hurting others, doing nasty things and getting away with it because they're 'better' than everyone else.
But underneath our skin, we are exactly the same as each other, or any animal on this planet. We need to realize this on mass, and act on it, instead of laughing at others, and hurting.
But we are not perfect, and we are all different, so I shall keep my thoughts to myself.
Im visiting three schools this week I believe, not quite sure what to think, but i'll have a look around, I must anyway.
Far away, there is a world, torn asunder by war and rage, the people pray for help, and a light in the darkness, but their prayers go unanswered. No-one is there to help them, no-one is there to guide or be the light in the darkness.
They shall not be alone forever, sooner or later someone has to come and save them, they always do. But whilst the people suffer, it feels never-ending torture. But have faith, for whilst this storm of anger and hate rages, there is a speck of hope, a candle flickering in the darkness, the flame slowly, hungrily growing larger, until it is large enough to ward off the darkness, and the people will live in safety and happiness once more.
Monday, 7 January 2013
Today, I'm not so sure whats going on. I'm trying to be helpful, I'm trying to be good and nice, but I can only hope it's good. I've spen much of the day in my room, because my brain keeps tormenting me for what end I know not. I'm writing at the moment, a small story I made up long ago that I write occasionally. The book I was writin is almost complete, the ending is being written, but something like a sentence at a time. I feel I must tell you that I'm on my iPod writing this, because I see no point in starting my computer only to write a blog. What's more I don't want to get caught into anything I don't want to be in. Like a conversation with someone, id rather sit in peace, or lay. Writing, offering help every so often.
I'm not sure what else I have to write, the holidays are nearly over, and I don't wan them to end. Like every child I guess.
I'm not sure what else I have to write, the holidays are nearly over, and I don't wan them to end. Like every child I guess.
Sunday, 6 January 2013
The worlds a mess
Today lots is going to happen. I can feel it.
Its Misty outside, it's really rather beautiful.
Time and time again. I log onto blogger, stare at the screen for a couple of minutes, and end up ranting about my feelings for AGES. The missing feeling hasn't gone away, but its not as prominent as it was yesterday. Its awfully cold today. And I don't know what to do.
The world is funny isnt it? So many rules and regulations, not enough time to do anything. People running, screaming, falling in love, falling out. Making friends. Its hard to look at this world and not see a jumble of string, tangled up in other's, straining, fraying, making a mess. I don't know how many of the people on this earth realize how silly it is. But it's annoying, funny, and odd. Our life makes no sense, we cannot explain how life got on this planet, nor how the universe came to exist. There are theories. Of course there are, but the theories make no sense. Take the Big Bang for example. How can nothing explode? Or god. Who made god? And who made the thing that made the thing that made god. Our life is a mess. Scientists keep saying no life can exist on a planet without water. But what proof is there of that? Who said life couldn't have evolved in such a way that life found other forms of sustenance?
I think i will just let the Scientists trust in their belief's, and religious people to theirs. Because it's your choice, and no-one has the right to take that away from you.
I may end up posting again today, but I try to limit it to once a day. Otherwise you end up getting a stream of randomness. :)
I took that picture. :)
Its Misty outside, it's really rather beautiful.
Time and time again. I log onto blogger, stare at the screen for a couple of minutes, and end up ranting about my feelings for AGES. The missing feeling hasn't gone away, but its not as prominent as it was yesterday. Its awfully cold today. And I don't know what to do.
The world is funny isnt it? So many rules and regulations, not enough time to do anything. People running, screaming, falling in love, falling out. Making friends. Its hard to look at this world and not see a jumble of string, tangled up in other's, straining, fraying, making a mess. I don't know how many of the people on this earth realize how silly it is. But it's annoying, funny, and odd. Our life makes no sense, we cannot explain how life got on this planet, nor how the universe came to exist. There are theories. Of course there are, but the theories make no sense. Take the Big Bang for example. How can nothing explode? Or god. Who made god? And who made the thing that made the thing that made god. Our life is a mess. Scientists keep saying no life can exist on a planet without water. But what proof is there of that? Who said life couldn't have evolved in such a way that life found other forms of sustenance?
I think i will just let the Scientists trust in their belief's, and religious people to theirs. Because it's your choice, and no-one has the right to take that away from you.

I took that picture. :)
Saturday, 5 January 2013
Somethings Missing
Today we did allot. We baked, did some chores, moved rooms around, panicked because the internet wasn't working. But it all worked out in the end. Because, it was fun. Currently, my brain is being tormented with the same verse of One Direction being sung over, and over again. Hhahaha....
I love my step sister, I really do. But sometimes it does my head in. But then, probably do her head in sometimes. Well, allot if I'm honest with myself.
So how is everyone. Wait, don't answer that. THERE ARE ALLOT OF SPELLING MISTAKES IN THIS. I shall go back over it if I remember correctly.
I feel odd, I have done for a couple of days. Its like, there's something missing, I'm supposed to be doing something and I'm not. I feel bored, and not bored. I'm angry, but i don't know what at. I'm confused, like, all the time. But I am confused about what I'm confused about. I think I'm lost. Not, not In real life, but inside my head, something is not where it is supposed to be. Which is odd, because I know schools missing, and it has been for years. I can say that now, its 2013. Oh, happy new year. So how can school be missing if that was taken away ages ago. Iv'e sadly adjusted to that hole in my life, and that's no-one's direct fault. It's just happened. I have all my things, Iv'e still got all my teddies, all my toys, all my games. I'm allowed to play with everything. Nothing I own is missing. Nothing's changed, Iv'e still a room, still got a fantastic family. I can't fathom this hole inside me. Sometimes its there, sometimes not. But its been niggling at the back of my mind for ages.
My stories are leaving slowly, not the one's I write, but the one's I keep in my head, the ones i share and talk of to no-one. I mention that I have such stories, but I never tell the context, and I don't think I ever will.
Oh yes, that letter I sent to the government, I got a reply. Well, I sent an Email sorry. It didn't say anything we didn't already know, but it was nice to get a reply. For a short while, I felt happy, because someone in the government obviously cared.
I think I may need help. But im worried if I ever get it, I wont ever use it properly.
Friday, 4 January 2013
Sometimes I wonder
Sometimes I wonder what the point of it all is. I mean, life is hard, its rough, and you never really get to see or do all of the things you wanted. For what? You live for years for nothing at the end. Those with faith believe that you'd either go to heaven, hell, the thing in between or somewhere else. But for those without faith, its just a void. A hole in your mind that can be filled with so many bad, nasty, horrible thoughts that your left whimpering in the corner afterwards. If you don't get it right the first time, you don't get the rewards.
I would love to turn around and say I believe in a religion, i'd love to have that much faith in something. But the truth is, I don't believe in the gods. They may well exist, but I don't, and never have believed that only one faith's god exist, and that everyone else is wrong.
When you get down to it. I do have faith. I have faith in dragons, and there is just as much evidence that they exist as there is the 'missing link' or any god.
People say animals do not have feelings, that they cannot feel emotion or that they are not 'conscious' like humans. How can they say that? Just because they do not speak a language we understand, does not make them stupid. Just because they see no need to kill each other ruthlessly does not make them savage, wild creatures. The truth of the matter is that just like us, they feel pain, sorrow, remorse, happiness, anger, fear, love, loneliness, guilt and so many other feelings. Its obvious. Animals mourn the death of their offspring, you could even say they revenge them sometimes.
And if they do not choose to brutally murder their own kind, does that make them worse than us? I don't think so. If anything, it makes us the beasts. They care for one another, often more than us.
I know, this is all silly, and that i'm just a child and don't understand the adult world. But if this adult world is what it seem's to be, then i want no part in it.
I would love to turn around and say I believe in a religion, i'd love to have that much faith in something. But the truth is, I don't believe in the gods. They may well exist, but I don't, and never have believed that only one faith's god exist, and that everyone else is wrong.
When you get down to it. I do have faith. I have faith in dragons, and there is just as much evidence that they exist as there is the 'missing link' or any god.
People say animals do not have feelings, that they cannot feel emotion or that they are not 'conscious' like humans. How can they say that? Just because they do not speak a language we understand, does not make them stupid. Just because they see no need to kill each other ruthlessly does not make them savage, wild creatures. The truth of the matter is that just like us, they feel pain, sorrow, remorse, happiness, anger, fear, love, loneliness, guilt and so many other feelings. Its obvious. Animals mourn the death of their offspring, you could even say they revenge them sometimes.
And if they do not choose to brutally murder their own kind, does that make them worse than us? I don't think so. If anything, it makes us the beasts. They care for one another, often more than us.
I know, this is all silly, and that i'm just a child and don't understand the adult world. But if this adult world is what it seem's to be, then i want no part in it.
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