Thursday, 4 July 2013

Tears over words

Been drawing with this tablet constantly, it's probably one of the best things ever, and I have to say, even though t'is not mine, I've become attached to it. xD
 Apparently my poetry make's people cry, which is odd because it's not supposed to. But then, poetry is supposed to make people feel things, so tears is a good thing I guess.
 My tomato plants are ill, or dying. I may have over-watered them. Hopefully they'll get better.
I had a really bad dizzy spell today, I remember walking into the kitchen, and realising a dizzy spell was coming on, but I don't remember anything else, save the noise and feeling of my legs as they tried to fall from under me. Apparently I'd grabbed the door, so that helped I guess. Mum made me sit down and have a drink, I was fine though, still don't see what the fuss was about, but it made her happy. A spell like that has only happened once before, in the corridor.
 I've drawn a few more dragons. :3
Today's been really hard. I may be depressed today, I was happy yesterday, so It only makes sense.
Emhhh, anyway, I'll be taking my leave now.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Poems and Tablets

Hellew again peoplez!
I bet you didn't expect me to post, what with my sporadic posting times. But anywayyyyy I am posting, because I feel like I almost have to now xD Im sure this will quickly fade away.
 My mum found the graphics/drawing tablet, because apparently my step-father had one, which means at least I don't have to save up for one, it's something I've wanted for a while. I would have posted earlier, but I was kinda drawing, and have only just finished.
 I'm drawing small pictures of dragons atmo, like, little profile pictures, it's quite fun, I don't know why I haven't done it before. The tablets difficult to use, the actual..proper usage is easy, but It's odd to not use a mouse or an actual pencil, and be able to rotate the image like I'm so used to when I draw with pencil on paper.
 I went and looked around again, because I felt like it, and found two banners/T-shirt designs I've fallen in love with, mainly because they're basically saying things I say, but in.. graphic(?) format. Yeah, so I'll put these pictures at the end of the blog, not sure if I'll do anything else with them.
 Mmm, I should probably mention my twitter account my mother made me create, not that I wasn't willing. (@ScaledFeet).
 It's a bit of an odd day today. Not really sure whats happening, and the day feels looooooooooooong.
Oh, I'd like to share a poem I wrote a while ago with you guys, because I wanted to show someone, but I'm too nervous to actually ask. (I'll share it after the pictures, or something).
 My laptop overheats to often, it doesn't like not being a laptop, it overheats on a flat surface, so I have to have it almost falling off my lap, so the fans are clear. Mm, It's a lot better though. :)
 Okay, I've ran out of things to say (I think yesterday's post was the longest post I've done in a while.)

The Gates that welcome you
The darkness descends,
A pale life ends,
Gasping breaths,
Limp hands falling upon death bed,
Shaking hand upon breast,
Senses detecting the sullen death,
More gasping breaths,
But because of the death,
The flood gates open,
The heavens open,
From their throne,
You are welcomed to their home,
To rest evermore,
Upon the beaches,
Or along the shore,
A new life full of fun,
Set under an eternal sun.
Mine :3

Monday, 1 July 2013

Sort of rambling

164 VIEWS YESTERDAY?! (Or something along those lines)
Mother soup, whats going on?

So I'm back on my laptop yay. Well, it at least means I can type faster, and therefore more, doesn't mean the contents going to be any better.
Smudge is just lounging around on my step-sisters bed. I never really understood that, she has a bed here, but hardly ever uses it. I don't mind, ofc. But it's just...different to have an extra bed in the room with you, and know that no-ones going to climb in or out of it in the mornings, save very few occasions now.
 Nothings happened school wise yet, I mean, we know where I'm going, but no-ones actually said when I can start, so I have a load of random shizzles laying around in my room.
 My story's going well, I started writing it again, it's a steady pace, but I keep getting lost, I find this part I'm writing very hard, but then I guess when you actually start writing a proper story, instead of random scribbles, it's going to get hard.
 There are lots of spiders in my vicinity, or however you spell it. I accidentally screamed out an expletive today whilst lifting up a watering can, I hate spiders. I hate them, I hate them, I hate them! But I will protect them from people that want to cause them harm, just because It's a spider and I dis-like it, doesn't mean it shouldn't live, after all, they're ever so helpful, and are more likely terrified of us, to the point of heart attack.
 I had a Slytherin badge, I lost it on my first outing with it, so that was rubbish. My step-mother told me that the only reason I liked Slytherin was the snake, kinda offended, I've always liked Slytherin, I mean, I seem to  attach myself always to the evil side in stories, or books. For heavens sake, in WoW, I never really enjoyed 'raiding' I hated killing the awesome leader bad-guys. It's just mean, they only want to take over the world, why not let them?
 My family had a huge argument over the weekend, I ended up burning my feet, they're actually fine, but they burnt a long time after that, I really should have put some shoes on.
 I haven't played or talked with any of my friends in a while, I may be going mad. I'm hiding on Skype, I'm online, but Invisible, I just cannot bring myself to log 'online' or even start talking to anyone.
 I've gotten better at drawing cats, bi-pedal creatures, and wolves. My dragons are slightly more fluid now too, and not nearly as blocky and rubbish as they used to be. It makes me laugh, because above my head right now, stuck on the wall is one of my first pictures of a dragon, in my series 'Dragon Friends' I drew for a while. His head is basically a square, whereas now their heads are small, or large, but always curvy, they don't nearly look as un-weildly as this ones. I don't know if thats how you spell it.
 Everyone's going to proms, and putting HUGE amounts of makeup on. I really dont see the appeal, but I don't know, maybe when I'm older, I'll want to do this, but we'll just have to see what time brings, I'll get teased, thats for sure, I'm always being teased, or poked fun at. Not that I don't mind it, it's just an observation.
I've just realised my typings gotten better, I'm not really looking at they keyboard anymore, or the screen that much, as I type right now, I'm looking out the window. It's kinda sad, but hey, I suppose it's one good thing that's come out of this... 'Isolation' my mother calls it. Really it's just time for me to think over my life, and figure out what the heck I'm going to do, not that I have yet, but you gotta have some positive thoughts, right?
 Recently I'm having trouble realizing my life is real, I get hit very suddenly by the question in my head of what I'm going to do next, then I get sad because I realize I'm going to die someday. I'm sort of floating away now I think, not really tying myself down, my body seems to be a link at the moment, hopefully that will go, like a phase.
 Well, I'll be going now, I've rambled enough.