Hi, today i was in compass house, I wasnt naughty or anything but im just learning there now to catch up with work i missed when i wasnt at school. its nice there, but sometimes the boys that come are a bit scary. Anyway went with ruth at lunch to the orchard, and this female chaffinch or something like that came right up to us, the birds where everywhere! Then we went to a park river thingy and all the ducks came up to me!! They got unbeleviably close then ate of Ruths hand! I was too scared to though, so they ate of my foot instead. They dont like salad, but they like potato salad! Im going to put some of my favourite pictures on this blog, yes mum i love you too. I cant beleive the ducks came so close, its just unbeleive able. Anyway gonna go now. see ya!

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