Hello chums! I got loque'nahak last thursday or friday. Haha beeing wanting him since I learnt about him which is basically since WOtlk haha (Wrath of the Litch King) he is probably the best looking pet in the game. I spent three days of a week searching for him. I found him at last though. Wait.. Oh it must have been last wednesday when i found him. I was the lowest lvl you could be to get him. I called him starbeam. Now I can aim for my dragon. Cymba's lvl 79! Six more levels to go! But a new expansion has been anounced. Mists of Pandaria. The level cap is 90.. Sigh I never gett to the caps before they are moved up Lol. Oh well. Im being homeschooled now as well. Im writing this qwhilst I wait for my mum to be free. Yeah.
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