Hello. I named this post after the two new followers of my blog. Hello. How are you? Thanks for joining. Anyway, back to buisness.
Whilst my step father is collecting my mother from work, looks like hes having repairs done on his car, so he has my mothers, i am writing this blog. I took the dogs out seperatley, because my stepfather was sleeping on scooter. It was fun.
I have noticed that today and yesterday i have written lots of blog input. But i tend also to miss out huge chunks of weeks or whatever. So, i would like to apologise. I realise you people want to read about me, and my day. But i am sorry i cannot always supply you with information, 100% of the time. Im beggining to get better at blogging, i will grant myself that. However, where things like facebook and twitter are concerned, i have a lot to learn.
I would like to quickly do a bit of advertising. I do have three ther blogs. But they harldy ever get updated. One is my other personalities side. Another is just random stuff, i kinda stopped posting on that so often. Another is for school, so you might wanna leave it out.
http://dustwings-world.blogspot.com/ <--- My other personalities side.
http://worldofwarcraftmyreality.blogspot.com/ <--- rarley posted, might update it to primarily around wow. (World of warcraft)
http://mythsogreece.blogspot.com/ <-- School work, this stuff is rarley posted, but true and about well, myths of greece.. :D
ReplyDeleteNice blog-I like your background and quote a lot! xx
ReplyDeleteThanks, i mean it. Thanks alot. I did have a custom desgned background but it was too large. I mean it btw. Thanks alot. U make me happy. Which means, duh duh duh. U get my approval. XD ty X