Hey, ominous title isnt it? Anyway, im not on for long, dont have much planned, just wanted to pop in and say Hi, I have a lot going on right now, I keep forgetting, Im sorry.
Today I have done some schoolwork, no suprise there, you all know im a school child writing a pathetic little blog titled 'Growning with Dragons' anyway, so i have done some work. And played a little bit.
Sometimes i would like to close my eyes, and it to be silent for once, im sure some people can do that, somewhere, its just, whenever i close my eyes, all i hear is what i have seen, and worse. Its not easy, being green. Omw, im wearing green right now, haha only just realised. I havent got long, want to come spend some time with my family, and my tea's getting cold, i aslo need to get dressed, but that can wait. I will probably post another chaper In Elves With Aspergus, dont know what it will be about, not really sure where its going. Anyway, how are you? Im okay, fed up of being alone, but allright.

I know Dustwing hasnt posted in a while, shes shut up, i trapped her in a mental cage, and now she cant get out, you may be asking why, but the truth is, i dont really need anyone to protect me right now, so she doesnt need to be seen. Oh but the racket she makes! Good heavens, you wouldnt beleive how loudly she moans. Omw i looked up, and this page is full with spelling errors, writing in a hurry, i am. I seem to have a bit to say. So i changed the quote finally, it was about time really. Im quite pleased with this one, at the moment, the only quotes im posting are that of a Mr Terry Pratchett. Hes brilliant. Oh! Remember Saxonious? My awsome red dragon? Well he has two mates, neither of them have names, the 'Twillight' one is a girl. If you have any suggestions, feel free to post them, it might go up on facebook, i might post a link, probs will. SO i will go now, and leave you with there photos. Hope this was long enough!
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