Thursday, 29 December 2011
Hello. The title dosnt mean anything. Dont worry about it. Yesterday I had a battle with my brother and setpsister with nerf guns. It was so much fun. But in the ned they both teamed up on me. :( It was still fun! :)
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Jaina ima lolz
Hellloooo. No-one actually reads this. :) I have come to that conclusion, fail. Lol Rofl hax. Omg, lololololol. Why, whats the point in following it if your not going to read it? It just gives false hope. :)
Sunday, 25 December 2011
Christmas? Allright!
Heyo. merry Christmas. Today I got a laptop, and Assasins creed. I have always wanted a laptop. im typing on it right now. I got loads of things that I love. Im so happy. I dont know what to say really. :) Wow. I love this. Wow.. Bye!
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Hey. With christmas so near theres really no point writing a long blog. Im under the beleif these dont get read anyway. So hi. Merry christmas. May all your dreams come true. Ofc they should be the realistic ones, not like winning the lottery or become some sort of mutation. Thats just weird. Sorry, i will take me and my wierd head away now. >:3
Friday, 9 December 2011
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Orange Clementines
Hello. How are you? Im good thanks. The reason this title is what it is, is unknown. Lol. Yeah. Basically I felt like writing something whilst on the pc. Life is fun. I guess.
Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Hello chums! I got loque'nahak last thursday or friday. Haha beeing wanting him since I learnt about him which is basically since WOtlk haha (Wrath of the Litch King) he is probably the best looking pet in the game. I spent three days of a week searching for him. I found him at last though. Wait.. Oh it must have been last wednesday when i found him. I was the lowest lvl you could be to get him. I called him starbeam. Now I can aim for my dragon. Cymba's lvl 79! Six more levels to go! But a new expansion has been anounced. Mists of Pandaria. The level cap is 90.. Sigh I never gett to the caps before they are moved up Lol. Oh well. Im being homeschooled now as well. Im writing this qwhilst I wait for my mum to be free. Yeah.
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Tummy and all that stuff
HEYA! Lol, mum told me she's ptroud of me because im being posotive, if your not posative, what have you got. Sorry btw for the bad spelling of posative, trying to workd out how to spell it as i type. Oh I have worked it ouw now lol. Anyway, my tummys being annoying and speaking out of turn so im mad at it lol. Lol. Yeah...bye
Sunday, 6 November 2011
2524<-- Lol
Hello, Im bored and tired now. So Yeah, came back from Alexia's and that was fun. The hilight of my evening? Not the fireworks, oh no, not even the one that looked like a nuclear explosion, the mushroom. Lol no, the best part of the evening was the car parking, I helped people park in the spaces! Wooo. Lol, now I really want to join the Air cadets. Especially Alexia's squadron, 2524. But if I cant join her squadron, thats fine, sorta, I would love to though. Lol So yeah, bye.
Friday, 4 November 2011
Hello, I'm at Alexia's house right now, so I decided to say hi. Im also trying to write formally and correctly, lol rofl. Trololol
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Jasper, the indio-Chinese tiger
Hello, chaps! Today, well yesterday I finally got the papers telling me I had adopted Jasper, the tiger. I adopted it for Red Balloon. So now they have to remember me, one tiger dies every day wand there are 365 days in a year. :( Anyway, I also brought the best picture I have ever done home and another pupil actually wanted a photo copy of It! This is where my carer starts! I am also writing a book. But I will not tell you much about it yet. See ya peeps! oh and what do you mean I have an octopus on my face?
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Hi, its been a while, not sure why i decided to go on blogger. Just wanted to say hi, i have been at red balloon for 3 weeks now. And next week i start going back to sawston. Im a bit worried that i will try to find my friends again. But its ok. Right, want to play runescape now so bye.
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Yeah, I forgot to write about Heidi in my last post, so im doing it now. She died.....Yeah, she is dead now. No more going round to hers, no more walking her dogs with her or riding in her car with the roof down. i went to her funeral, I had to really, i knew her, i coulndt just not go. But its odd shes
Réna, Jétah, Meathin and me.

Hai, yes i know my blogging is terrible, but please, dont be mad at me for it, I honestly cannot help it. XD What i actually wanted to write this blog for was becuase of my Step-sister Emily, and me. Recently Emily was given her own World of Warcraft account, and it was downloaded onto her laptop so she could play at her home. And so she has. This morning I logged on and checked to see if any of my friendsd where online and BAM! It said 'Réna, lvl 16, Darkshore, online' Now obviously I straight away wispered Hi to her and then I went and found her, but I left her reletivley to her own devices. Untill I logged on to my lvl 19 mage, Messor (emily is a mage too) adn asked her if she wanted to do a dungeon toghether. She said yes and in that dungeon messor got to lvl 21 and emily got to lvl 18. We ran around Sw (stormwind) for a bit, and emily got stuck on a boat. I showed her where to go to do more quests and on the way there she reached level 19! But thats not nearly the most exciting part of this post. The characters emily and me play toghether, Jétah, her mage, and Meathin, my druid reached level 41 over the weekend! Meathin is my highest ever druid and hes also my first worgen. AND hes the first lowish level character I have that looks epic in his gear!!! Its so epic! OMG Im also going to get a two seater mount soon. Its exciting. oh and I painted a dragon on my wall the other day, and my new bedroom is finished!!! Oh Im going to add some epic pictures, one of Meathin and the other of my worgen warrior in human form, riding.( his name is Hirome)

Friday, 20 May 2011
Thursday, 12 May 2011
Hi! Anyone reading this i would like some belp on a new blog page thingy, ie making a new blog, if you want to help me, send me and email At only accepting family or friends sorry!
Duck encounter!

Hi, today i was in compass house, I wasnt naughty or anything but im just learning there now to catch up with work i missed when i wasnt at school. its nice there, but sometimes the boys that come are a bit scary. Anyway went with ruth at lunch to the orchard, and this female chaffinch or something like that came right up to us, the birds where everywhere! Then we went to a park river thingy and all the ducks came up to me!! They got unbeleviably close then ate of Ruths hand! I was too scared to though, so they ate of my foot instead. They dont like salad, but they like potato salad! Im going to put some of my favourite pictures on this blog, yes mum i love you too. I cant beleive the ducks came so close, its just unbeleive able. Anyway gonna go now. see ya!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Quick long thing
Hey guys, Im sorry its been so long but I was busy and everything was so upsetting I forgot to write. Anyhow, its getting better now, but im unsure as to how many times i can talk and how often. Just wanted to say hi and that i havent forgoten you. OH! Im thirteen now isnt it cool!!! I have survived with aspergus for thirteen years and now im a teenager. Going to Rhineland at the beggining of next term so thats exciting. Getting a personalised jumper that will hopefully have the words '0.odeath kight in makingo.0' on the back. I also got and Ipod so i have been on that, and Di is redecorating my room (at last) that wasnt meant to sound rude btw. have no Idea whos reading this but my life has gotten odd, i mean odder than normal, odd for me (and thats odd) I have no idea who is my friends are anymore and frankly thats kinda deppresing, although im not deppresed, just confused. I have been watching a lot of RayWilliamJohnson's viedos on youtube recently and minecraft ones too. Im sorry but i dont have any ideas of a viedo i could post online.Oops. Sorry mum! What I want to know is when will my wishes come true? When will i become a dragon so i can fly away? When will I have real friends? Blooming heck! This was only supposed to be a small post! Dineers ready gotta go bye!!
Saturday, 19 February 2011
I hate history projects! actually, i just hate projects. I wrote a 4,108 worded story for one history project that spanned 11 pages! What am i going to do now? Bored
Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Yes, i know im not supposed to be on this, im supposed to be on my homework. But i cant think, my mind has gone crazy. So im seeking sanity in this page. I cant stop thinking about my mum, where she is, what she's seeing, whats she's doing. I cant wait for my mum to come home! I get to see her, and im going to hug her, and love her forever! I cant wait for my mums car to roll down the drive, making that farmilliar, gravel crunching sound. Where is that noise?
Anyway im also looking forward to playing on my worgen, running around the wods of elwin forest, muhahaha, roleplayings mah thing. I do it on my own, on other peoples accounts sometimes, my brother lets me use his, so does my mum. Anyway worgen are like werewolves, but there not werewolves. There just soo cool. They can turn ito humans, the run around on their hands and feet, Killing n00bs! WOOOP!
Saturday, 1 January 2011
Happy new year?
Yeah i would be celebrating only ive slept for half the day, my step mums being sick alot and im gut wrenched. Why you ask? Id rather not tell you. Anyway happy new year.
*Message of the week*
-If you look hard enough, you can find flaws in the very making of the universe-
*Message of the week*
-If you look hard enough, you can find flaws in the very making of the universe-
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