Hail guys!
I got the internet back, obviously as im writing this. Im actually at my fathers right now, but hey. Wanted to write this and say i have it back. :) Merry Christmas! I hope you got the things you asked for. And oh, happy new year. :D I haven't much to say. Except this Christmas has been brilliant. :)
- Good day
Sunday, 30 December 2012
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Hello my friends.
Sorry about my rant yesterday, i think i just needed to get things off my chest. And i thank you for your patience. Tomorrow, if i am correct, and i believe i am, we are moving house properly this time. So i wont have any internet for ohh, lets say a month. This obviously means you wont be getting any posts from me, unless i can somehow get onto the internets. (and be bothered to post. I know its annoying, but its true.) However, this does not mean i have forgotten, in deed, i have never forgotten about you, and always felt bad about not posting or replying to comments.
I just thought you'd want to know, because this time i have and actual, decent excuse instead of the normal. 'oh i cant be bothered.'
I have nothing much to say, other then that and i ache alot. But hey! Movings fun :P
- Me
Oh and Dustwing says hi :D
Sorry about my rant yesterday, i think i just needed to get things off my chest. And i thank you for your patience. Tomorrow, if i am correct, and i believe i am, we are moving house properly this time. So i wont have any internet for ohh, lets say a month. This obviously means you wont be getting any posts from me, unless i can somehow get onto the internets. (and be bothered to post. I know its annoying, but its true.) However, this does not mean i have forgotten, in deed, i have never forgotten about you, and always felt bad about not posting or replying to comments.
I just thought you'd want to know, because this time i have and actual, decent excuse instead of the normal. 'oh i cant be bothered.'
I have nothing much to say, other then that and i ache alot. But hey! Movings fun :P
- Me
Oh and Dustwing says hi :D
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Its official
Thats it. No more hiding or lying to myself. Its official. Im slowly falling away from reality again. *sigh* Once more embracing the dark, dark world i fill with dragons in futile attempts to make it slightly easier to bear. Only this time, i have no idea why i have fallen down again.
I thought you might appreciate the post. Not that anyone really reads this anymore. I've seen the visitor statistics. They're not great. However i am astounded at these few people who come back. It would appear you have a vein hope to see a new blog. Or read something i have written. Either that or you simply stumble down here by accident. No matter. Your here. Thats what i should focus on.
You know. A dark corridor is usually the most warm and welcoming place to be in situations. You can hide in the shadows. No-one bothers you. You just become....a shadow yourself. Standing on the very edge of reality letting normal things like mortality worry others. Because you dont have to worry about the small amount of time you are allotted on this earth when you do not technically exist. I mean, sure, if you looked hard enough, you could spot someone, but its far easier to pass them quickly on your way down. Rushing off to do something like. I dont know, make dinner.
Couple that with the fact im still afraid of the dark and yet place myself in these situations and you get a small husk of a person. Hiding in the corners. Watching you as you go about your business slightly worried somethings going to grab them from the shadows and wrench them from this world, into another.
Today i looked at my cat, through a wall of random tears, and i swear, I've never had a moment where i wanted her to talk to me so badly. Just to open her small, delicate words and speak. She could have, I know she can. Im sure of it, its just whether i'll be able to understand her, or she'll want to talk to me thats important.
Not that i'd have any issue with being taken into another world. Well, no issue other then i would miss my brother, mother, step father, step sister, dad, and step mother. It might be fun though, i might find i fit better in the other world. Maybe others would see the mystical creatures sitting in the corners, other then me. Because i do see them. Sure all my eyes actually see is an empty space. But its my imagination i trust more then my eyesight. It allows me to imagine a small creature, watching me and everyone around, waiting and wondering if anyone else sees it.
We're moving house. Not sure about that. I dont really want to move, but then again. It might be fun. We get a new room, this time downstairs, and i can hang around with the ghost horse that haunts the barn 'Leyum.' Its not actually a 'ghost horse' persay. Its just next door the neighbours have a horse, but we cannot see its field, its blocked by the what must have been once a stable block. And therefore, in a fit of imaginative genius from both mine and my step sisters part, we decided that it was actually a ghost horse.
Im still not in school. I wrote a email to David Cameron. Asking why i couldnt go to school. Next time, i think i'll write a letter. Asking if ive done anything to offend the goverment, and if this is my punishment for telling the police about my friends inappropriate behavior. We go to vist schools, my mother and step father more then myself. Everyone seems to expect me to have so much to say about them. What do you want me to say? 'Sure. This schools brilliant.' Because i know you want me to say what i think is wrong with it and what is fine. But im not that picky. As i have said plenty of times. I just want to go to school. The education and help on social matters is just a bonus. And i want this bonus. But i dont think you'll find the perfect school with the correct academical standards and the right psychological ones. But maybe you will, and it just takes time. Time i have. Sure, i might be in adult hood or near it when this time comes. Sure, it may be tomorrow and yes, maybe, just maybe i will cease to be the person people recognise. But i, nor my family. Ever asked for this. And Sawston. I probably shouldn't say this. But you deserved to burn down. For lying to me, for lying to my mother, my father, my step father, my friends. For punishing victims and not those that inflicted pain. For promising i'd be safe. And lying, for not doing anything. For allowing my best friends to go down the steep, dark path of cruelty they fell into. For not helping. For abandoning the children you strive to protect when they need you. And wherever you are Mr Headteacher. I'll find you one day. And when i do. You better not be near any rubber chickens. >:3
Well that turned very dark. I'd never actually hurt anyone, never, i just want to impose that fact. But i might hit Mr headteacher with a rubber chicken, if we come across one and each other at the same time.
So now im not sleeping again. My games i used to play in my head before falling asleep have abandoned me. And im fed up of spending my time alone. But i enjoy it. I do miss school for one thing. I miss the regularity of seeing my friends. And watching their smiles.
I need to go now. I want to go now. Im going to force myself to watch some fantasy drama of some sort.
Side note: Dustwing is crawling out again. Im not sure if shes going to start writing again however.
=/ Bye my friends.
And thank you.
I thought you might appreciate the post. Not that anyone really reads this anymore. I've seen the visitor statistics. They're not great. However i am astounded at these few people who come back. It would appear you have a vein hope to see a new blog. Or read something i have written. Either that or you simply stumble down here by accident. No matter. Your here. Thats what i should focus on.
You know. A dark corridor is usually the most warm and welcoming place to be in situations. You can hide in the shadows. No-one bothers you. You just become....a shadow yourself. Standing on the very edge of reality letting normal things like mortality worry others. Because you dont have to worry about the small amount of time you are allotted on this earth when you do not technically exist. I mean, sure, if you looked hard enough, you could spot someone, but its far easier to pass them quickly on your way down. Rushing off to do something like. I dont know, make dinner.
Couple that with the fact im still afraid of the dark and yet place myself in these situations and you get a small husk of a person. Hiding in the corners. Watching you as you go about your business slightly worried somethings going to grab them from the shadows and wrench them from this world, into another.
Today i looked at my cat, through a wall of random tears, and i swear, I've never had a moment where i wanted her to talk to me so badly. Just to open her small, delicate words and speak. She could have, I know she can. Im sure of it, its just whether i'll be able to understand her, or she'll want to talk to me thats important.
Not that i'd have any issue with being taken into another world. Well, no issue other then i would miss my brother, mother, step father, step sister, dad, and step mother. It might be fun though, i might find i fit better in the other world. Maybe others would see the mystical creatures sitting in the corners, other then me. Because i do see them. Sure all my eyes actually see is an empty space. But its my imagination i trust more then my eyesight. It allows me to imagine a small creature, watching me and everyone around, waiting and wondering if anyone else sees it.
We're moving house. Not sure about that. I dont really want to move, but then again. It might be fun. We get a new room, this time downstairs, and i can hang around with the ghost horse that haunts the barn 'Leyum.' Its not actually a 'ghost horse' persay. Its just next door the neighbours have a horse, but we cannot see its field, its blocked by the what must have been once a stable block. And therefore, in a fit of imaginative genius from both mine and my step sisters part, we decided that it was actually a ghost horse.
Im still not in school. I wrote a email to David Cameron. Asking why i couldnt go to school. Next time, i think i'll write a letter. Asking if ive done anything to offend the goverment, and if this is my punishment for telling the police about my friends inappropriate behavior. We go to vist schools, my mother and step father more then myself. Everyone seems to expect me to have so much to say about them. What do you want me to say? 'Sure. This schools brilliant.' Because i know you want me to say what i think is wrong with it and what is fine. But im not that picky. As i have said plenty of times. I just want to go to school. The education and help on social matters is just a bonus. And i want this bonus. But i dont think you'll find the perfect school with the correct academical standards and the right psychological ones. But maybe you will, and it just takes time. Time i have. Sure, i might be in adult hood or near it when this time comes. Sure, it may be tomorrow and yes, maybe, just maybe i will cease to be the person people recognise. But i, nor my family. Ever asked for this. And Sawston. I probably shouldn't say this. But you deserved to burn down. For lying to me, for lying to my mother, my father, my step father, my friends. For punishing victims and not those that inflicted pain. For promising i'd be safe. And lying, for not doing anything. For allowing my best friends to go down the steep, dark path of cruelty they fell into. For not helping. For abandoning the children you strive to protect when they need you. And wherever you are Mr Headteacher. I'll find you one day. And when i do. You better not be near any rubber chickens. >:3
Well that turned very dark. I'd never actually hurt anyone, never, i just want to impose that fact. But i might hit Mr headteacher with a rubber chicken, if we come across one and each other at the same time.
So now im not sleeping again. My games i used to play in my head before falling asleep have abandoned me. And im fed up of spending my time alone. But i enjoy it. I do miss school for one thing. I miss the regularity of seeing my friends. And watching their smiles.
I need to go now. I want to go now. Im going to force myself to watch some fantasy drama of some sort.
Side note: Dustwing is crawling out again. Im not sure if shes going to start writing again however.
=/ Bye my friends.
And thank you.
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Dear friends
Hey friends, im a bit sad. Today, i just wanted to play with my brother and my sister, but it ended up causing so much stress, and im not sure whats going to happen now. But things will get sorted out, they have to. I cant stay sad forever, i have friends that help make me feel happier. Even if they're in different countries, they make me smile. :)
Yesterday, we went to the Royal Observatory, and i saw the meridian line. I cried when we went into the plantitarium. It was so awe inspiring. (sorry about my terrible english.)
Im a bit lost and lonley inside my head at the moment, all the dragons that stay with me, that i grow up with have vanished. There's a big empty space. I haven't told anyone, but they're missing. Just, vanished. I dont even know where Dustwing is. She might come back, i hope she does. Maybe they'll come back when i go to sleep, or when im happier.
We have glow in the dark planets and stars hanging from the ceiling now. And when i say we, i mean me and my sister, we share one room. :) Its a nice room. I like it.
MoP came out the other day. (thats Mists of Pandaria, the next WoW expansion.) its fun. I like the dragons.
I know i've been neglecting the blog. And im sorry my friends. :(
Yours forever,
Yesterday, we went to the Royal Observatory, and i saw the meridian line. I cried when we went into the plantitarium. It was so awe inspiring. (sorry about my terrible english.)
Im a bit lost and lonley inside my head at the moment, all the dragons that stay with me, that i grow up with have vanished. There's a big empty space. I haven't told anyone, but they're missing. Just, vanished. I dont even know where Dustwing is. She might come back, i hope she does. Maybe they'll come back when i go to sleep, or when im happier.
We have glow in the dark planets and stars hanging from the ceiling now. And when i say we, i mean me and my sister, we share one room. :) Its a nice room. I like it.
MoP came out the other day. (thats Mists of Pandaria, the next WoW expansion.) its fun. I like the dragons.
I know i've been neglecting the blog. And im sorry my friends. :(
Yours forever,
Friday, 21 September 2012
Hello. Cant stop to chat, heads mowing down thousands of story lines as i type everyword. Just thought. I'd say hi. I need to type. Plus she needs to talk about herself in the third person for a second. Ah.. yep. So my storys moving on swiftly, i think i may have found a seriously cool plot point in my story. :3 Remember, the one i gave you some extracts off? Yeah, im still writing it, actually i have finished it. But im re-writing it. Going oveer it again and again. Finding holes, working things out. :) just wanted to say hi, and sorry about the lack of blogging. Oh, i have over 1500 views on this blog now :)
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
1532, thats right, 1532 views. XD you have to say that along the lyrics of 'Oh ah cantona, i said a ohh ah cantona' haha but pronounce it 1 5 thirty two. XD Sorry, thought i better post, didnt know what to write. So its the holidays now.. im still waiting to go to the Royal observatory. But no matter. I'll get to go one day. the Olympics was boring to me... and stuff happened :)
My english is terrible today.. Ah well. So how are you? You dont have to awnser, people might think you odd talking to a computer screen.. or a phone. Or whatever you use... going now, im hungry
My english is terrible today.. Ah well. So how are you? You dont have to awnser, people might think you odd talking to a computer screen.. or a phone. Or whatever you use... going now, im hungry
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Hey, its raining at the moment, really loudly. Haha sounds like my windows being smashed...acutally, its quite worrying now. 0.0
Anyway, thought I'd pop in and sey hi. Oh god, its a rain storm. My stomaches mucked up, its not working properly, my washouts are failing, and its causing a great deal of pain. shame really, I have to go to a hotel tonight so that i can visit a potential school the next day. Thats one of the reasons i thought i would post. To say hey, and share my thoughts. Have you ever seen a capybara? I have only seen them in documentaries, and not very often. But I was watching a episode by David Attenborough, and I identified them before her annouced their names, from the sillouhette only. I face palmed right there and then. A sure sign I know a little too much about animals. :P
In other news, my DeathKnight reched level 80. And my cat loves my hot water bottle. :)
Hope you have a good day or so.
Anyway, thought I'd pop in and sey hi. Oh god, its a rain storm. My stomaches mucked up, its not working properly, my washouts are failing, and its causing a great deal of pain. shame really, I have to go to a hotel tonight so that i can visit a potential school the next day. Thats one of the reasons i thought i would post. To say hey, and share my thoughts. Have you ever seen a capybara? I have only seen them in documentaries, and not very often. But I was watching a episode by David Attenborough, and I identified them before her annouced their names, from the sillouhette only. I face palmed right there and then. A sure sign I know a little too much about animals. :P
In other news, my DeathKnight reched level 80. And my cat loves my hot water bottle. :)
Hope you have a good day or so.
Friday, 6 July 2012
My friends
Hey, today i feel in the posting mood, and Im possibly going to write another chapter for my 'blog book' hehe. Anyway, I thought i'd pop in and say Hi, before i leave to work.
Yesterday one of my friends was mean about my parents, she's never met them, but she doesnt like the fact that i have a rule as to my bedtime. But hey, i managed to convince her and a couple of others by saying if i didnt go, I wouldnt be allowed back on. That soon sorted it, I kind of felt bad, but not really. Because when It comes down to it, I would have logged out, there and then, even if they would go on without me.
Today its raining, currently anyway, and im so thankfull, I think i had a moment where i got heat exhaustion, so I drank, alot, and rested. That slowed down my school work, but I got it done. What have you been doing? I know, you probably wont awnser, i have a stupid setting on my comments, and anyway, not many people comment. I suppose it would help If i posted regularly. :)
I havent been sleeping well, I dont know about you. But yesterday night I didnt get to sleep till around 4am, and last night I didnt get to sleep till something like 12am. Im not sure. So i hope sleep will accept me today. :)
So I just wanted to pop in and say hey, pretend nothing had happened, give you a long Post. Well, its not that long, but it will do. I dont know when i will post again, I used to have this set up that i would do it everymorning, but they where short posts. Maybe i'll sort it out someday. :)
P.S. Dustwing hasnt been needed in a while, so hasnt written. I dont really like to give her control of me whilst im happy. More like she appears when im miserable. Not that you notice much of a differance im my behaviour, and I still respond to my name. I would never respond to Dustwing I dont think. Its just giving a name to that of what i fear, because in general, that makes things less scary.
P.S. I dont really want to go, but i need to just, wanted to say; Thanks. I mean it, thanks for reading my posts everytime they come out, i appreciate it. Thanks for checking up on my blog, one day i'll make it up to you. :)
Yesterday one of my friends was mean about my parents, she's never met them, but she doesnt like the fact that i have a rule as to my bedtime. But hey, i managed to convince her and a couple of others by saying if i didnt go, I wouldnt be allowed back on. That soon sorted it, I kind of felt bad, but not really. Because when It comes down to it, I would have logged out, there and then, even if they would go on without me.
Today its raining, currently anyway, and im so thankfull, I think i had a moment where i got heat exhaustion, so I drank, alot, and rested. That slowed down my school work, but I got it done. What have you been doing? I know, you probably wont awnser, i have a stupid setting on my comments, and anyway, not many people comment. I suppose it would help If i posted regularly. :)
I havent been sleeping well, I dont know about you. But yesterday night I didnt get to sleep till around 4am, and last night I didnt get to sleep till something like 12am. Im not sure. So i hope sleep will accept me today. :)
So I just wanted to pop in and say hey, pretend nothing had happened, give you a long Post. Well, its not that long, but it will do. I dont know when i will post again, I used to have this set up that i would do it everymorning, but they where short posts. Maybe i'll sort it out someday. :)
P.S. Dustwing hasnt been needed in a while, so hasnt written. I dont really like to give her control of me whilst im happy. More like she appears when im miserable. Not that you notice much of a differance im my behaviour, and I still respond to my name. I would never respond to Dustwing I dont think. Its just giving a name to that of what i fear, because in general, that makes things less scary.
P.S. I dont really want to go, but i need to just, wanted to say; Thanks. I mean it, thanks for reading my posts everytime they come out, i appreciate it. Thanks for checking up on my blog, one day i'll make it up to you. :)
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
So hey
Heyawww Just thought i would pop in and say Hey! So, yesterday i got my first 'tester' to finish reading my story, she said she likes it, but its sad. Another friend read a bit and said its too slow. So im going to try and re-write the beginning, sometime. Anyway, I feel like writing a story, and i did promise my friends i would add them in my Elves with aspergus blog somewhere, so i may as well get it over with. :3 I didnt realise one of my friends was a night elf, or even looked that cool, so he's going to be easy to work into my story. After all, i only have 3 people so far, well, two Technically. I know i havent been posting, and once again sorry. But a girl has to move on in life if she wants to get anywhere, and hey, at least i havent completley forgotten about you. Its just, now its been disabled on Explorer i have to go on Chrome to use it. And i hate Chrome.
So im going to go write now, i dont know how much, or how long. But we will see how it goes. :)
-Your ever grateful friend
So im going to go write now, i dont know how much, or how long. But we will see how it goes. :)
-Your ever grateful friend
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
The Dragon Slayer

Anyway, this post is a little late, because the event occurred yesterday. So me and a group of friends raided Blackwing Lair, and I know its a little late to do that. But it was indeed fun.

I managed to get Nefarians head, and for once in my WoW game, got to influence Stormwind.

Monday, 4 June 2012
In the middle of something
So, we all know it's the queens diamond jubilee, horay. Yeah sorry about not being ecstatic about this, I'm pleased for the nation, tbh. I just don't see the need to be buzzing about it all over my life. It's only a party really, we don't get celebrations this large on our b-day! Haha well imma go, might post l8
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Trying to breathe

Today I have done some schoolwork, no suprise there, you all know im a school child writing a pathetic little blog titled 'Growning with Dragons' anyway, so i have done some work. And played a little bit.
Sometimes i would like to close my eyes, and it to be silent for once, im sure some people can do that, somewhere, its just, whenever i close my eyes, all i hear is what i have seen, and worse. Its not easy, being green. Omw, im wearing green right now, haha only just realised. I havent got long, want to come spend some time with my family, and my tea's getting cold, i aslo need to get dressed, but that can wait. I will probably post another chaper In Elves With Aspergus, dont know what it will be about, not really sure where its going. Anyway, how are you? Im okay, fed up of being alone, but allright.

Saturday, 26 May 2012
Dancing with the rainbows
Hey, I know i posted something boring yesterday, and im sorry, i just thought I would share. Today i Have been in the garden, gardening, and watching dragonflies, i caught the sun, and i feel really hot. Anyway, I should probably go soon, because i want to go sit with mum, but i came on to say hey. I noticed three people have looked today, so this is the reward XD. Love you all, bye.
Friday, 25 May 2012
Tennis balls
Hey guys, doing something a little different today, its too hot and i know i havent posted in a while. So im going to give you guys information on Tennis Balls. Because i feel like it, and its my blog. :)
Tennis balls are used for a variety of reasons. Some play games called; Matscot, Itallian Handball, and three square. Other people give them to their pets to shred, most of the time they are a durable ball, able to withstand massive amounts of pressure, and so the ideal dog toy. Unfortunately, some dogs mastered the art of shredding these balls long ago, and some larger dogs can choke on the balls.
Tennis balls are made from roughly three simple materials, a hollow inside is surrounded by rubber, the thing that makes it bounce high. This is then coated in a thin layer of Adhesive, and felt, usually neon yellow as it was tested as the most visible on a colour tv, is stuck onto the outside.
Tennis balls have to be certian sizes and weights, they have to have a diameter of 65.41mm - 68.58mm and a weight of 56.0g to 59.4g
Felt in these modern days is made of wool, mixed with synthetic. Felt is one of the oldest textiles, and is around 5000 years old. Its added to a Tennis ball as it 'Delays flow separation in the boundary layer, reducing aerodynamic resistance' this basically means it goes faster through the air.
Rubber comes from any plant or tree that excretes the milky white substance instead of sap, but most rubber comes from the Hevea tree in Brazil, Brazils rubber tree.
Pressurized tennis balls, those that come in tightly packed bunches, begin to loose their bounce as soon as the package is opened, so often they are kept pressurized until the consumer buys them, unpressurized ball however do not loose their bounce over time, in fact they gain more bounce, becoming lighter as they bald, allowing them less resistance against the wind.
They tend to come in packages of three or more, and often cost 50p, but prices vary.
Thats about all i have to say now really. :)
Tennis balls are used for a variety of reasons. Some play games called; Matscot, Itallian Handball, and three square. Other people give them to their pets to shred, most of the time they are a durable ball, able to withstand massive amounts of pressure, and so the ideal dog toy. Unfortunately, some dogs mastered the art of shredding these balls long ago, and some larger dogs can choke on the balls.

Tennis balls have to be certian sizes and weights, they have to have a diameter of 65.41mm - 68.58mm and a weight of 56.0g to 59.4g
Felt in these modern days is made of wool, mixed with synthetic. Felt is one of the oldest textiles, and is around 5000 years old. Its added to a Tennis ball as it 'Delays flow separation in the boundary layer, reducing aerodynamic resistance' this basically means it goes faster through the air.
Rubber comes from any plant or tree that excretes the milky white substance instead of sap, but most rubber comes from the Hevea tree in Brazil, Brazils rubber tree.
Pressurized tennis balls, those that come in tightly packed bunches, begin to loose their bounce as soon as the package is opened, so often they are kept pressurized until the consumer buys them, unpressurized ball however do not loose their bounce over time, in fact they gain more bounce, becoming lighter as they bald, allowing them less resistance against the wind.
They tend to come in packages of three or more, and often cost 50p, but prices vary.
Thats about all i have to say now really. :)
Friday, 18 May 2012
Hey, I called it 'washing' Im not sure why. Got to go to bed soon, just wanted to post. Anyway, so, how chu is? :D So basically, i like stuff...yeah...bye XD
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Nurghhh hey! 1311 views! Because im that cool, and you guys are that nice! :) Today wasnt very intersting, me and my brother ran around the garden for around..... 1 and a half hours? I dont know.. Just wanted to say hi...yeah.. im going now. My twitters @1604Beckyjane or something, also Im called Mcnuggets at the moment. :D
Monday, 7 May 2012
Hey, i know, i know. Dont talk to me about it, i didnt come on to apologise for not posting. I came on to post.
How are you? Coz im not so good, i have a really bad tummy ache, and i dropped my Ipod in the toilet, its okay i rescued it, but its not working yet.
I am also really down right now, i just had a go at one of my so called 'friends' and discovered someone genuinely hates me, urgh. I need to go soon, but i dont want to move. Its Bank holiday Monday......so yeah. I think I have missed out on pudding, will try to get some maybe..actually i dont know. But whatever. As i said before, Elves with Aspergus has been postponed, as has the life, of the world, allthough that wasn't often read or updated.
I guess i will be off now, my tummy feels a little better...I think..love ya
How are you? Coz im not so good, i have a really bad tummy ache, and i dropped my Ipod in the toilet, its okay i rescued it, but its not working yet.
I am also really down right now, i just had a go at one of my so called 'friends' and discovered someone genuinely hates me, urgh. I need to go soon, but i dont want to move. Its Bank holiday Monday......so yeah. I think I have missed out on pudding, will try to get some maybe..actually i dont know. But whatever. As i said before, Elves with Aspergus has been postponed, as has the life, of the world, allthough that wasn't often read or updated.
I guess i will be off now, my tummy feels a little better...I think..love ya
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
I'm just saying
Hey, i thought i would start this post of by apologizing, I said many things would happen on this blog, and they haven't, and i begging to think they wont. But seriously, i honestly haven't forgotten, its just, if i have nothing interesting to say, why should i make others listen?
But that's not the point, the point is your reading my blog now right? I guess so. I'm tired, and bored, and i would really just like to play, but i think i made my mother angry, so I'm just waiting now for her..and me. I'm doubtful of what she's going to think of my work, just because I made her angry, that's the problem with having your mother as a teacher.. you cant escape from school even when your at home. But my mother's also my best friend, so that's not too big an issue on my agenda. I can hear my brother guitar practicing downstairs, i don't know why he does it downstairs, its got to be really embarrassing..I need to start using my guitar, and i do, sometimes. Maybe i will use it properly soon, or whenever i get a school that teaches free music lessons or something, and they don't mind if you cant read musical 'score'. I heard a door downstairs. I can hear a lot of things from up here, but not voices. I guess i better be going now. All my other blogs have been postponed by the way, once i have sorted our a regime with this one, then they can fit in. Because this is my no.1 blog, and its the most important one to me. :D
But that's not the point, the point is your reading my blog now right? I guess so. I'm tired, and bored, and i would really just like to play, but i think i made my mother angry, so I'm just waiting now for her..and me. I'm doubtful of what she's going to think of my work, just because I made her angry, that's the problem with having your mother as a teacher.. you cant escape from school even when your at home. But my mother's also my best friend, so that's not too big an issue on my agenda. I can hear my brother guitar practicing downstairs, i don't know why he does it downstairs, its got to be really embarrassing..I need to start using my guitar, and i do, sometimes. Maybe i will use it properly soon, or whenever i get a school that teaches free music lessons or something, and they don't mind if you cant read musical 'score'. I heard a door downstairs. I can hear a lot of things from up here, but not voices. I guess i better be going now. All my other blogs have been postponed by the way, once i have sorted our a regime with this one, then they can fit in. Because this is my no.1 blog, and its the most important one to me. :D
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Tired of....stuff
Hmm...I just wanted to pop in and say hi..Not really sure what to write, but i couldn't leave it for 3 days. I will be reviving this blog, it will just take time...So bear with me, and im really sorry. How was your day? Or how is your day...yeah....so i better go, my conversation is running dry XD
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Before I go
Hey! I must apologize for the lack of postings this month! It was my birthday on the 16th, and i was on holiday before that, so sorry! I dont really have much to say, we moved house, and i am about to carry on unpacking mine and Emily's room, so yeah. Um. I dont really have anything else to say, but as my last post said, remember to be you. Dont pretend to be someone your not to get friends, or you will be forced to live your life a lie, doing things you hate. Never think your hated by everyone, I know i do, but it really puts you down, and is, quite frankly a lie.
Steps to becoming famous:
1- Be you, dont be anyone else
2- Be original, dont copy others because they have allready achieved fame
3- Enjoy doing what you do, because you will be made to do a lot of it if you do become famous
4- If your reading this one, then you must still want to be famous
5- If you are reading this, hang on
6- I cant think of any more advice, just bear with
7- Such fun ^^
8- Try to be infamous, thats the best kind, people know you, but there not banging on your door and screaming at you in the streets
Steps to becoming famous:
1- Be you, dont be anyone else
2- Be original, dont copy others because they have allready achieved fame
3- Enjoy doing what you do, because you will be made to do a lot of it if you do become famous
4- If your reading this one, then you must still want to be famous
5- If you are reading this, hang on
6- I cant think of any more advice, just bear with
7- Such fun ^^
8- Try to be infamous, thats the best kind, people know you, but there not banging on your door and screaming at you in the streets
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Dancing with the Lama's
Hey, so yeah, i wrote earlier, but i got bored so i wanted to write again. Anyway, how are you all? I know not many people read my blog now, but the fame was fun whilst it lasted. It also just proves who really is interested in my blog, and not just clicking because my family and friends are posting it on FB, me included. But I just wanted to say i do have other blogs..just putting that out there, i know people read them, sometimes..I deleted one of my blogs, it just wasn't working. Dont forget to be you, thats the most important thing of all. But your my best friends, I love you guys. I guess i better go now, got nothing better to say.. :D
Im stuck here
Hey, we are going to go out in a couple of minutes, but i wanted to at least writes a very small blog..Listen to Owlcity, an awful lot of the lyrics explain my feelings..
'Im stuck here'
'Heaven knows i could really use a friend'
are a few.. :D
'Im stuck here'
'Heaven knows i could really use a friend'
are a few.. :D
Thursday, 29 March 2012
yay! i was messing around and did this on this website http://gobarbra.com/hit/new-fa28ed0948976fea20b8a4b58164cbca
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
The real king
Hey, i know, three posts in one day and almost an entire month of no posts, but that's just how i roll. Anyway, found out the real King of England is an Australian called Micheal..lol, so our so called royal family is infact, not..Bailey winked at me, i iorned a little....yeah..
Hey, I know i posted earlier, but i found out that Edd Gould died on sunday morning, if you dont know Edd Gould, type in edds world in either google or youtube...also, on seaquence, if you click on recent in either firefox or chrome's version of this, you may come across loads of music labled Beta9...with some random no's after, that my music, check it out.
I made this on a website called seaquence, it only properly works on browers like Firefox, internet explorer crashes when you click on this link. To make your own, search seaquence. XD http://seaquence.org/3fh
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Hey, I know, i know. I'm supposed to be posting often. I know i should be posting more often. I have just forgotten too. Not surprising really, i have had a lot going on. Today's post is called 7, because if I remember rightly, there are seven nights 'till i go to my step mothers. Then its my first time on a commercial airplane. I'm a bit nervous actually, i have flown an airplane before, obviously i was incredibly young, all i had to do was keep the wings straight, the pilot, my dad's friend, kept watch over the controls, he took over after a while. But I swear, it was one of the best moments of my life. :D I'm going to Portugal, its exciting. Mum seem's stressed, but she always does this year... Right, I'm going to go and start a new blog.. each post is going to be a story, but first im going to try and draw the pictures on ms paint.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Hey, just about to start editing my story, but i thought i would tell you. Cant be long, im excited. BAi :D
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Hello. Thanks to those 3 regular post views, appreciate it. Anyway, I haven't got alot to say, my posts are becoming vauge and silent. I know, its disappointing. Anyway, i like that word, anyway..ANYWAY, today hmm, today not much happened, i recapped things so i remembered them, i tried to do an hour of german, by the 'Michel Thomas way' which is basically 2 rules. No. 1: Dont try to remember anything No. 2: Repeat what he says when he says 'repeat'. XD On my story i was posting occasionally, its lacking description, the descriptive dialogue is going downhill. So, yeah..That will be fixed, at some point. To be honest, i have been watching someone play assassins creed alot. So i really forgot to do anything, but its over now..Yeah. Soo.. How are you guys doing? You can answer that, but i cant hear you, unless you come up to me and tell mah face.. Which some of you can do, some cant, to be honest it dosn't really matter.
I wish i could go back in time, maybe then i could start my school life again, i would like that.. Cymba hit lvl 85 a while ago, didnt know if i have allready posted, i think so. On my blog...Yeah. Me and Saxonious, we have not seen each other.. My brother is crying, because he thinks he has permanently broken the shower curtian. HE hasnt, i have told him loads. Gah. Just have yer baff!
Better go.. Bye
I wish i could go back in time, maybe then i could start my school life again, i would like that.. Cymba hit lvl 85 a while ago, didnt know if i have allready posted, i think so. On my blog...Yeah. Me and Saxonious, we have not seen each other.. My brother is crying, because he thinks he has permanently broken the shower curtian. HE hasnt, i have told him loads. Gah. Just have yer baff!
Better go.. Bye
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Hey, i was going to post on Monday, then Tuesday. But i didnt. Im not really sure why, so yeah, im really sorry about that. Anyway, how's your week been so far? Mines been okay, not great, but okay. Right now, i am watching a documentary for school. Im not breaking any rules, anyway, i can type without looking at the keyboard or what i am writing. I just wanted to say hello to you. So you know i have not forgotten. Because U have not. I dont really have any idea of what else to write, so im going to disappear now. XD
Thursday, 8 March 2012
Sharp knives
Hey, today i was thinking whilst doing the washing up, because that's one of my daily chores. Anyway, when i hold the dirty cutlery, it more often than not gets me thinking. I mean, when i hold one of the knives, i realise this could kill someone. Im holding a instrument of which you can murder someone. Its an odd thought, and sometimes it scares me. But not often. Its just me thinking, i know the thoughts mean nothing. I'm very sorry about starting my blog like that. So yeah, really sorry, anyway, how are you doing? Im okay. Please, dont worry about this post, its just me running through my thoughts. :D Sorry if i worried you. Anyways, watch this guy, his name is Tobuscus, and he makes awsome videos. He takes adverts, and adds his own words, making the 'literal' its awsome. And really cool. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lpj3dy9ALQ0&feature=g-all-s&context=G2f9ab17FAAAAAAAAPAA The Assasin creed literal adverts are awsome too. So's the cataclysm. XD
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Hey! Hey! Listen! Hey! Hey! Listen!
Hello my friends. How are you doing this fine morning? I'm okay, I'm watching a documentary on my laptop. Its funny, because they are pretending to go back in time and bring dinosaurs back. Well, i say pretending, they may well have done, but i seriously doubt it. :D So far, I'm 5mins into the program and they have already got there facts wrong. They say T-rex are the most dangerous, and fearsome of all dinosaurs. They are not! Geez, Allosaur's are more dangerous. There is also another meat eater more dangerous, but i cannot remember its name. Lol, there idiots. XD Anyway, probably best to get back to watching this. Byee
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Hey, im going to keep typing until i get bored, so this mike make no sense whatsoever. So, bear with me. Anyways, im watching criminal minds, i like criminal minds. I was talking to morgan, but im not now. Anyway, how are things with you? Things with me are good, im looking forward to tommorow, im going round to my mothers work, its fun there. I try not to get in the way, i dont think i do. I try not to be a nuciance. Im sorry about the really bad spelling this evening, im watching criminal minds, and trying to type. Can i just say, you have the most beautiful eyes. XD not really, well, you might, but i cannot see them, im not a creep. XD Yeah, i should probably shut up about that. Its not cool. I want to watch the lion king, I have it recorded on the sky box. Anyway, better get orf. Love you guys.
Monday, 5 March 2012
Hey, look, i would like to post something really long, but im tired. So i even doubt it will be interesting, but i will try to interest you lot. I really will.
So, my day was pretty good. I mean, the dogs wound me up so much i just sat down and cried. I was bored alot today, but i am always bored. I went to club, it made my brain melt. Right now im sitting in my bed, writing this and watching criminal minds. Im going to check twitter. So bye.
Sorry about the post
So, my day was pretty good. I mean, the dogs wound me up so much i just sat down and cried. I was bored alot today, but i am always bored. I went to club, it made my brain melt. Right now im sitting in my bed, writing this and watching criminal minds. Im going to check twitter. So bye.
Sorry about the post
Sunday, 4 March 2012
So, tell me people, do you wish me to tell you a story? I can write a quick one, right now. But I will not. Instead i will tell you something else. Criminal Minds is probably one of the best shows involving FBI. I love Criminal Minds, its very interesting. But as i am watching it right now. I will leave. I love you guys, i have said that alot, but i love the fact you take the time to read my blogs. X
My friend Twizzellove
Yeah, so my friend uploaded this. Please watch it. XD Its my gift 2 u for the 1000 uploads. It has a few rude words in, so if your under, ooohhh 13? I advise you do not clikc on the link. XD
Its over 1000!
Heck yeah! Thanks guys, thanks for getting my blog to 1000 views! I love you guys. I ahve nothing new really to report. But thatnks THANKS. YEASH
Saturday, 3 March 2012
The wishing well
Heyall, hows you doing? Im really bored, i dont really know what to do. I mean, i want to play with my brother, and i want to play on my own. I want to do a million things all at once. Im bored, im tired, and i thinking. Not a good combination. XD yeah, so bye. Luv ya
Friday, 2 March 2012
Facanating stuff, (next installment)
Hello mates, hows things? Good. With me? Yeah, there okay.
Hello mates, hows things? Oh, im sorry for you. Yeah, things with me are okay.
That was me trying to have a conversation with you, choose either one that fits your response. Anyway, been thinking about it, and have decided to give you another paragraph from my story. :D Then, Cymab will write her Diary on Ótti and Cymba, then i will probably watch criminal minds, providing BlueXephos hasnt put anything instersting on youtube, or Hannah for that matter. Or myndflame, or wowcrendor, or roosterteeth, or um, yeah, you get the picture. Here you are. Oh, btw, hai any facebook fans. Oh, also, to those on twitter, this is my Twitter account:@BeckyJane1604 also, my name Is rebecca Jane King on twitter. Feel free to follow me. :D Anyway, on with the story.
Okay, we have missed about two pages worth of description and narrative. If you want to read that, tell me in the comment section. I love comments, so please do. You have not missed anything major. Shes going on a voyage for food, because she is hungry. Its a couple of hours later.
"As she neared the kitchen, smells of food radiated towards her, seeking her out. Where they still partying? Amongst the elves, it was rare to party late, the parties usually consisted of a few hours. Emma reached the kitchen door, and knocked politley. Whilst waiting she imagined what she would ask for, a salad, no to boring, some eggs would do nicley. What about an omellette? Yes, that was what she wanted.
Then the door opened, and an elderly woman appeared.
'Yes?' She asked, her voice hearty and good natured, as all kitchen staff are imagined, most of the time.
'I would like to get something to eat.' Emma explained cautiosuly.
' Im ever so sorry dear, with the party and making everyone else's food, we have run out of time, and resources. The staff, they are all leaving, we are simply rushed off our feet.'
'Oh. Okay then, i guess so.' Emma's voice showed her dissapointment.
'Look, im really sorry, but maybe we can get something, and apple perhaps?' The lady asked, trying to cheer up her foreign companion. Emma was gratefull, and accepted, the lady was evidently pleased, and returned inside. Emma was a little sad however, it would not be the grand meal she had planned. When the lady did return, clutching at her prize, Emma thank her and ate it all, core, seeds, everything. Waste not want not.
She contemlated the likleyhood of an apple tree growing inside her as she walked back to her rooms. But she was stopped by a soilder.
'Hold up!' He yelled, running after her."
Oooh a cliffhanger. Want to know what happen's next? You'll just have to wait and see. XD btw, next bit is my fav, but its long, and may take a few segments to get it all done.
Love you guys, as friends.
Bex Xx
Hello mates, hows things? Oh, im sorry for you. Yeah, things with me are okay.
That was me trying to have a conversation with you, choose either one that fits your response. Anyway, been thinking about it, and have decided to give you another paragraph from my story. :D Then, Cymab will write her Diary on Ótti and Cymba, then i will probably watch criminal minds, providing BlueXephos hasnt put anything instersting on youtube, or Hannah for that matter. Or myndflame, or wowcrendor, or roosterteeth, or um, yeah, you get the picture. Here you are. Oh, btw, hai any facebook fans. Oh, also, to those on twitter, this is my Twitter account:
Okay, we have missed about two pages worth of description and narrative. If you want to read that, tell me in the comment section. I love comments, so please do. You have not missed anything major. Shes going on a voyage for food, because she is hungry. Its a couple of hours later.
"As she neared the kitchen, smells of food radiated towards her, seeking her out. Where they still partying? Amongst the elves, it was rare to party late, the parties usually consisted of a few hours. Emma reached the kitchen door, and knocked politley. Whilst waiting she imagined what she would ask for, a salad, no to boring, some eggs would do nicley. What about an omellette? Yes, that was what she wanted.
Then the door opened, and an elderly woman appeared.
'Yes?' She asked, her voice hearty and good natured, as all kitchen staff are imagined, most of the time.
'I would like to get something to eat.' Emma explained cautiosuly.
' Im ever so sorry dear, with the party and making everyone else's food, we have run out of time, and resources. The staff, they are all leaving, we are simply rushed off our feet.'
'Oh. Okay then, i guess so.' Emma's voice showed her dissapointment.
'Look, im really sorry, but maybe we can get something, and apple perhaps?' The lady asked, trying to cheer up her foreign companion. Emma was gratefull, and accepted, the lady was evidently pleased, and returned inside. Emma was a little sad however, it would not be the grand meal she had planned. When the lady did return, clutching at her prize, Emma thank her and ate it all, core, seeds, everything. Waste not want not.
She contemlated the likleyhood of an apple tree growing inside her as she walked back to her rooms. But she was stopped by a soilder.
'Hold up!' He yelled, running after her."
Oooh a cliffhanger. Want to know what happen's next? You'll just have to wait and see. XD btw, next bit is my fav, but its long, and may take a few segments to get it all done.
Love you guys, as friends.
Bex Xx
Just before.
I am just about to start my medical procedure, so this cant be too long. I guess it depends how fast i type yeah? Oh, guess what random person who wants a spell checker on my blog? I have one now. I ticked the box. :D Anway, wanted to say hi. But so far, this blog has only 955 views, whats up with that? Come on, im sure we can get it up to 1000 today at least, just 45 more views and we are done. It is 45 isnt it? 55+45=.....geez math, um. 1000, yeah, id adds up...Oh bad pun, it wasnt meant to be. :D I might post anther part of my story soon, i dont know. :D
Bye guys
Dustwing x
Bye guys
Dustwing x
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Thank you loopylou, if that is how to spell ur name. Appreciate the follow! :D This picture is posted just 4 u. :D
Finally getting out to the public.
Hey, this post is short and sweet. Maybe. Probably not actually, i have a lot to say. First off, i have to thank my mother for advertising this blog on her group for home schoolin kids, something like that. I have to thank those who have clicked the 'follow' button. It means alot. And, i will try, from now on to give a shoutout to the person each time they click the follow button. I will mention your name anyway. :D I thank my family, for sticking with me, those who have searched through the mindless mess of this blog because they actually wanted too. I thank those who repeatedly come here. It means alot when people come back. I cant wait for 1000 views on this blog. :D The reason im thanking everyone is, because frankly. I want to be someone when im older, and i really didnt think i could make it. But the fact you are supporting me when im down, thats your being posotive about my blog, that your awnsering my questions, well it makes me happy. I will continue to talk to you guys, maybe not regualry, or as regulary as i should, but i will try.
Thank you random person who told my mother i should get a spell checker. I should, but, I did mention in my first ever blog, im not great at spelling, bear with me. I get a little overzelous. Anyway, I realise you did not read that blog, im not expecting you too. But thatks. Over at least 76 views today. Wow.
I especially thank those who comment on this blog. I like comments, i like responding to them more than actually writing this blog most of the time. Any suggestions on what you would like to know about me, as long as its not too personal, please put in the comment section. It would give me ideas. Anyway, I love you guys. You know that right? I wanna pick u up and go snuggle snuggle snuggle. ....Okay, that was a bit weird. Sorry.
Bex Xx
Thank you random person who told my mother i should get a spell checker. I should, but, I did mention in my first ever blog, im not great at spelling, bear with me. I get a little overzelous. Anyway, I realise you did not read that blog, im not expecting you too. But thatks. Over at least 76 views today. Wow.
I especially thank those who comment on this blog. I like comments, i like responding to them more than actually writing this blog most of the time. Any suggestions on what you would like to know about me, as long as its not too personal, please put in the comment section. It would give me ideas. Anyway, I love you guys. You know that right? I wanna pick u up and go snuggle snuggle snuggle. ....Okay, that was a bit weird. Sorry.
Bex Xx
'2 cool 4 school medway, and Eddie'
Hello. I named this post after the two new followers of my blog. Hello. How are you? Thanks for joining. Anyway, back to buisness.
Whilst my step father is collecting my mother from work, looks like hes having repairs done on his car, so he has my mothers, i am writing this blog. I took the dogs out seperatley, because my stepfather was sleeping on scooter. It was fun.
I have noticed that today and yesterday i have written lots of blog input. But i tend also to miss out huge chunks of weeks or whatever. So, i would like to apologise. I realise you people want to read about me, and my day. But i am sorry i cannot always supply you with information, 100% of the time. Im beggining to get better at blogging, i will grant myself that. However, where things like facebook and twitter are concerned, i have a lot to learn.
I would like to quickly do a bit of advertising. I do have three ther blogs. But they harldy ever get updated. One is my other personalities side. Another is just random stuff, i kinda stopped posting on that so often. Another is for school, so you might wanna leave it out.
http://dustwings-world.blogspot.com/ <--- My other personalities side.
http://worldofwarcraftmyreality.blogspot.com/ <--- rarley posted, might update it to primarily around wow. (World of warcraft)
http://mythsogreece.blogspot.com/ <-- School work, this stuff is rarley posted, but true and about well, myths of greece.. :D
Whilst my step father is collecting my mother from work, looks like hes having repairs done on his car, so he has my mothers, i am writing this blog. I took the dogs out seperatley, because my stepfather was sleeping on scooter. It was fun.
I have noticed that today and yesterday i have written lots of blog input. But i tend also to miss out huge chunks of weeks or whatever. So, i would like to apologise. I realise you people want to read about me, and my day. But i am sorry i cannot always supply you with information, 100% of the time. Im beggining to get better at blogging, i will grant myself that. However, where things like facebook and twitter are concerned, i have a lot to learn.
I would like to quickly do a bit of advertising. I do have three ther blogs. But they harldy ever get updated. One is my other personalities side. Another is just random stuff, i kinda stopped posting on that so often. Another is for school, so you might wanna leave it out.
http://dustwings-world.blogspot.com/ <--- My other personalities side.
http://worldofwarcraftmyreality.blogspot.com/ <--- rarley posted, might update it to primarily around wow. (World of warcraft)
http://mythsogreece.blogspot.com/ <-- School work, this stuff is rarley posted, but true and about well, myths of greece.. :D
The video, maybe
Hey, I want to upload myself playing a video, but im waiting for my mother to respond. :) I might, i might not. But anyway, just thought i better pop in and say hi. I dont know, might be safer to upload it on facebook. :D
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Old Roman stuff, A Catherdral, And a doctor..(sounds like a episode of dr who.)
NOTE: THIS WAS A DRAFT FROM EARLIER THID MONTH, around the 3rd of feb 2 be precise. Well, okay, the 4th..so this is no linger valid, but i liked it. So here it is, from my ancient archive.
Right, yesterday I got up At 4:54, got on a train, got on another train, and got on another train, the journey took 3 hours, and the high speed train was the most fun. Anyways, we went to Canterbury, once again i cant spell. We had breakfast there, then wandered around for ages. It was fun, i guess. Then when we got to see the doctor, we had a long, long talk. during which he made up a story. For no reason, well, there was a reason but thats besides the point. And now I have Anxiety disorder and Post tramatic stress disorder, well, i didnt only just get them, i have obviously had them for a while. Smiley face. Lol, okya, Better go now
Next installment.
Thanks Bonio23, either my mother, or my step father... :D i had totally forgotten to post more of my story. So here it is. For copyright reasons, i will not post it in sucession, dont want people taking credit for it. :) Atm, it is 31 pages long. :D this time, missed out a paragraph.
' The rain pummeled down, soaking through skin and clothing alike. Emma ran across the castle courtyard, and halted under an overhang. She hated rain, it made her feel wet, and miserable.
She shivered, and wrapped her arms tightly around her chest. She wanted to be inside, she should be inside. Talking to the guest's. laughing with them. But to do that she would have to step out of the dry, and get wet. Why must it rain when she wore a dress? It was impracticable, and restricting. Her brown hair, recently washed, and now washed once more by the rain, clung to her cheeks in a soggy tangle, her dress clung to her slim figure, she hated being exposed like this.
The rain lightened for a moment, and Emma heard laughter bubbling from the hall. She wanted to cry, she was hungry, and cold, her clothes were soggy, and her skin soaked. She couldnt go to the party now, not like this.
She looked back across the courtyard, back to her room then. But that would mean getting even more wet. Could they not have held the party in the dinner room? Instead of a hall only accesable by guests from the outside? The rain had been unexpected, and sudden, and being late to the party, she was punished by it.
Emma glanced around the courtyard, she would have to dash for her door, there was no sheltered way to her rooms, until she was inside.'
I beleive that is enough. :D enjoyed it? Good. Didnt? Tough luck. Lol, no rly, i love you guys, you know that right?
X Bex
' The rain pummeled down, soaking through skin and clothing alike. Emma ran across the castle courtyard, and halted under an overhang. She hated rain, it made her feel wet, and miserable.
She shivered, and wrapped her arms tightly around her chest. She wanted to be inside, she should be inside. Talking to the guest's. laughing with them. But to do that she would have to step out of the dry, and get wet. Why must it rain when she wore a dress? It was impracticable, and restricting. Her brown hair, recently washed, and now washed once more by the rain, clung to her cheeks in a soggy tangle, her dress clung to her slim figure, she hated being exposed like this.
The rain lightened for a moment, and Emma heard laughter bubbling from the hall. She wanted to cry, she was hungry, and cold, her clothes were soggy, and her skin soaked. She couldnt go to the party now, not like this.
She looked back across the courtyard, back to her room then. But that would mean getting even more wet. Could they not have held the party in the dinner room? Instead of a hall only accesable by guests from the outside? The rain had been unexpected, and sudden, and being late to the party, she was punished by it.
Emma glanced around the courtyard, she would have to dash for her door, there was no sheltered way to her rooms, until she was inside.'
I beleive that is enough. :D enjoyed it? Good. Didnt? Tough luck. Lol, no rly, i love you guys, you know that right?
X Bex
The Libary
Hello. Today, this post is rather special. Im actually sitting in a libary, using my laptop, I mean, im sitting, in a libary, using my own laptop. Im actually, quite scared, even though i know Its okay. I was in the kids scetion, but i realised it might not be very safe. Now im in the newspaper reading area. Im scared, its very open. Not sure i like it. XD Anyway, how are you all? Good? good. Bye
Saturday, 25 February 2012
I hate arguing. But i can stand it. I can stand people swearing at me, and people hurting my feelings, i do the same back. Not the swearing tho. I can stand loads except people telling me to shut up. So sorry dad, i didnt mean what i said. But i really couldnt beleive you have told me to shut up. :) Me apologising over the internets. The world is my witness.
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Hello mein friends. How are you all? Good good. Me? Not too bad. Today I decided i wasnt going to use my laptop. All day, untill school was done. I managed it. I wrote part of a story. I have decided to post a paragraph here. Because i want to, oh? You dont want to read it? Well tough, its my blog. XD You dont have to do you? Clikc the little red X in the corner of your screen and i promise you, you will not be forced to read it. :D
It has no name yet. Have edited paragraph a little, to make it better.
"When the two armies clashed, it was clear who would win. One one side stood elves, dwarves and humans, united. They stood boldly, astride their various mounts.
But although their army was mighty, and outnumbered the opposite side. You cannot win against death. In normal curcumstances, they would have won. But, because their opponents where allready dead, they did not stand a chance.
Indeed they lost all but some lives, survivors running to their strongholds. The elves to the mountain on which their mighty trees stood, Tealneia. The dwarves ran to their mountain hold of DÈ—rgst. Humans fled across the land, some fleeing to the elves, others the dwarves. But most went to their city, Barcov.
Those that fell on the battlefield where either eaten or resurected as soilders and champions of death, and all falls before death in the end."
Wasnt that cheery? It was the opening paragraph of a story im writing. :) About an elf called Emma. Very elvish name that, Emma, isnt it? Its going to have a little bit of romance in. I dont know why. :)
X Becky
It has no name yet. Have edited paragraph a little, to make it better.
"When the two armies clashed, it was clear who would win. One one side stood elves, dwarves and humans, united. They stood boldly, astride their various mounts.
But although their army was mighty, and outnumbered the opposite side. You cannot win against death. In normal curcumstances, they would have won. But, because their opponents where allready dead, they did not stand a chance.
Indeed they lost all but some lives, survivors running to their strongholds. The elves to the mountain on which their mighty trees stood, Tealneia. The dwarves ran to their mountain hold of DÈ—rgst. Humans fled across the land, some fleeing to the elves, others the dwarves. But most went to their city, Barcov.
Those that fell on the battlefield where either eaten or resurected as soilders and champions of death, and all falls before death in the end."
Wasnt that cheery? It was the opening paragraph of a story im writing. :) About an elf called Emma. Very elvish name that, Emma, isnt it? Its going to have a little bit of romance in. I dont know why. :)
X Becky
Saturday, 18 February 2012
Hey, just testing typing a blog with my iPod, totally new experience for me. But I like the fact it's correcting my spelling errors. I wanted to play wow with my sister, but like a Sally she forgot her laptop charger, so we can't. Anyway, hope u like the regularity of my posts, have to say, become a lot more often since I left sawstonvc. Thank gods. Anyway, best be off, feel really odd sitting here. Bye x
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Glowing dragons.
Today, I logged into0 wow. Because i wanted to fly around on my dragon. But instead of doing this, i open it up and find a advertisment for glowing, golden dragons. You can buy one. For 17.00 on the blizzard store. What was the point in spending loads of time trying to geta outdated, red dragon, if all they are goiung to do, is as soon as i get one, sell them in the blizzard store.
I got my winged gaurdian because i couldnt get a dragon, or buy on in the blizzard store. And now you can. And i cant get one. Because i dont have money. And i dont want to ask anyone. Because i have allready asked for to much. But selling a golden glowing dragon? Why? Why does my sense of acheivment have to be shattered so quickly. I wont be able to go on wow now, because people will be flying around on it. Everyone will buy one, because its a dragon. A DRAGON. Im a mess. Get me out of this obbsession. Wait, dont, wow's the best game i have ever played. But this is unfair. Got to go now. I need a hug. But will i look silly going downstairs crying because of a dragon? A GLOWING DRAGON..its not fair!
I got my winged gaurdian because i couldnt get a dragon, or buy on in the blizzard store. And now you can. And i cant get one. Because i dont have money. And i dont want to ask anyone. Because i have allready asked for to much. But selling a golden glowing dragon? Why? Why does my sense of acheivment have to be shattered so quickly. I wont be able to go on wow now, because people will be flying around on it. Everyone will buy one, because its a dragon. A DRAGON. Im a mess. Get me out of this obbsession. Wait, dont, wow's the best game i have ever played. But this is unfair. Got to go now. I need a hug. But will i look silly going downstairs crying because of a dragon? A GLOWING DRAGON..its not fair!
Sunday, 12 February 2012
........ . . . . . . . . . . . ......
...Im fed up. Whats the point of trying to make a good blog background, only to be told its too big? God. Im bored. ....
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Heyo. How many good things are happening this week? Lvl 85? Really? Red dragon? Really. Like, whats going to happen after this? Be told that i cant go to school evah again? I think not. XD (pic named 'At a wedding' Was 85 when taken)

Friday, 10 February 2012
New Design
Hey, just spent hours making a new background, only to be told it was too large XD LOL So i changed it a little bit instead. :) Enjoy
Universally strange
Hello chums. Sure, I have a dragon, sure its red, sure its the best dragon in the world. But it does not have a name. That bothers me. Oh well. My nan suggested Saxonious on FB. I dont use Fb often. Its boring. Bloggers more fun. :) Anyway. Yesterday i took millions of pictures of me and my dragon. I cant share them all with you. Im hoping to edit one and make it the picture next to my blog. Im trying to make mny blog look really cool. So yeah. Byeee
(Side note: The picture is named 'Us trying to look cool' you can see me, sitting on the dragon. XD)

Thursday, 9 February 2012
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Sausage rolls.
Hehyaaa! Today i went to the orthadontists. So that really wasnt cool. I came home, walked the dogs and saw rabbit prints in the snow. They were to long to be a cat or a dog, and they where not human, plus i have felt our rabbits feet enough to know them. I put a sausage rool on my lap, and smudge started eating the crumbs that fell off. Shes not sitting on my desk, scanning for more crumbs. :3 haha.
Saturday, 4 February 2012
Hey. David just drove me nuts. I have asked him to leave, and he hasnt, right now he is probably reading this blog as i write it. Yes im talking to you david. I know your reading. He has really annoyed me this morning. I have my washout on, so. Yeah. Just beacuse hios birthday is tommorow. Im going to have to be really nice to him this weekend, well guess what? Right now, i dont want to be. Btw the result of yesterday is that i have Anxiety disorder and PTMD. Which sounds odd. But all it really is ios Post tramatic stress disorder. :) I can hear you david. ...Yeah. all i cna really think of right now is how annoying david is. Thats about it. Haha. Idiot. (that was to no-one in particular.) Om nom nomnom.
Thursday, 2 February 2012
All things dark and ugly. (all things bright and beautiful too)
Hello chums. I am currently, sitting in my room, staring at my cat, who is currently, sleeping. Thats about all really. Oh yeah, im also thinking about WoW, because, lets be honest, i havent been on it in ages. I have had about enough of this. not really sure why im so lost in this house, im a little but worried about what tommorow will bring. Im supposed to be going to Cantenbury. I dont know if thats the right spelling. I havent posted on this blog in a while, for that i am sorry. I was asked to fill in some forms by my mother, which was fine. But when i got to the end of it, i raelsied, im being tested to see if i have anxeity syndrome. Which, this sounds really rather funny, im anxious about. I am not sure if having Aspergus, a bowel disorder, and potentially Anxiety syndrome is a good thing. If it helps us get a statement, i suppose thats a good thing. But to be honset, again, i hope i do have it. It would explain why i get scared over nothing, why im scared of people climbing in my window, and murdering me, why some of the times i dont like being on my own. So maybe i do have it. Secretly, now i know there considering it, and considering the questions they asked me and what i awnser, i think i may have it. I guess, anxiety isnt a bad thing. I mean, better to be over cautious than not cautious at all right? Im hoping, one day, that my life will be good,m because right now, im bored. I mean, im working really hard to home school myself properly, and yes, i will be punishing myself over writing this blog right now. But, i cannot stop thinking of this, and its good to get it off your chest right? Im asking a lot of questions in this blog. Im also writing a lot. Maybe i should stop..maybe not. Im kinda running out of things to say now. My cat just changed her pose, to a very tipical, cat snuggled pose. My tigers are staring at me..I guess i orta go. But i want to carry on writing. Umm not sure what to do now. So i guess i will leave. Check out my other blogs. Although im pretty sure my mother is the only person to read this. Maybe not. I mean, i have had a total of 550 views, i hink, since i joined blogger on this blog. So maybe other people read this, they just arnt following me, wouldnt be a first. Okay bye. :)
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
500 words
Hello owlets. Today i have entered the competition of a 500 worded story. Its Called 'The Obsidian Room' And i will actually post it here. :) enjoy
There was blood, caked on the floor, the pungent
aroma wafted silently up, insulting her nostril’s, choking her. She stumbled
around blindly, looking for anywhere, anything to help her get out. But she
could not find anything. She was trapped, in a room, covered in blood. As she
searched for a way out, she hit something sharp, she shied away. But the damage
was done. Soon her blood mingled with that on the floor, two shades of deep red,
hers, a lighter, brighter red, and the other blood, dark red, tinted with
brown, dried but still emitting a disgusting aroma. Her nostrils flared, and
her eyes grew wide. Suddenly, she realised this would be the place she died.
Tears began to roll down her cheeks, and her body shook with silent sobs as she
realised the truth. She slumped, her back resting on the black, cold wall of
her tomb, her head fell forwards, and she cried. Her cries shared her
hopelessness, her fear. But she could not stop, she just sat, slumped in a
corner of the black, blood caked room, sobbing. Why should she stop? She was to
die here, in this cold room, where god knows what else has died, and she
couldn’t even remember coming in. But wait a minute, what was that? A small
scraping noise was coming from the far side of the room. Great, she thought,
something, or someone, has come to save me! Her heart skipped a beat; they
could also be coming to finish her off, now, when she was still alive. Isn’t
that what murderers do? Torment you until your begging for your life to be
ended? She didn’t know, but whatever it was, she wasn’t going without a fight.
Carefully, she reached forward, into the darkness, her hand sliding over her
own slick blood, her hand hit something sharp, and gasping in pain, she gripped
the object. New, fresh blood trickled down her clenched fist, the smell sickly,
acrid. She pulled the object toward her, and in the darkness, examined it,
carefully running her hands over its edges. Gaining countless cuts, but also
the knowledge of what it was. It seemed to be a discarded piece of piping, but
from where she knew not. It was half of the pipe, the edges rough and sharp, it
was on these edges that she had cut herself.
She had already worked out that this would be an invaluable weapon, she
had seen enough FBI dramas to know that. It was heavy, and sharp, a perfect
weapon if used correctly, she would make sure it was. Then she realised the
scraping had stopped, and a dim light had been cast into the room. She could
now see it, in all its disgusting glory, and the figure at the threshold. She
did not know him, he was covered in black. She then knew he was not here to
save her. She raised the makeshift weapon. She would kill him if she had to.
Done :)
There was blood, caked on the floor, the pungent
aroma wafted silently up, insulting her nostril’s, choking her. She stumbled
around blindly, looking for anywhere, anything to help her get out. But she
could not find anything. She was trapped, in a room, covered in blood. As she
searched for a way out, she hit something sharp, she shied away. But the damage
was done. Soon her blood mingled with that on the floor, two shades of deep red,
hers, a lighter, brighter red, and the other blood, dark red, tinted with
brown, dried but still emitting a disgusting aroma. Her nostrils flared, and
her eyes grew wide. Suddenly, she realised this would be the place she died.
Tears began to roll down her cheeks, and her body shook with silent sobs as she
realised the truth. She slumped, her back resting on the black, cold wall of
her tomb, her head fell forwards, and she cried. Her cries shared her
hopelessness, her fear. But she could not stop, she just sat, slumped in a
corner of the black, blood caked room, sobbing. Why should she stop? She was to
die here, in this cold room, where god knows what else has died, and she
couldn’t even remember coming in. But wait a minute, what was that? A small
scraping noise was coming from the far side of the room. Great, she thought,
something, or someone, has come to save me! Her heart skipped a beat; they
could also be coming to finish her off, now, when she was still alive. Isn’t
that what murderers do? Torment you until your begging for your life to be
ended? She didn’t know, but whatever it was, she wasn’t going without a fight.
Carefully, she reached forward, into the darkness, her hand sliding over her
own slick blood, her hand hit something sharp, and gasping in pain, she gripped
the object. New, fresh blood trickled down her clenched fist, the smell sickly,
acrid. She pulled the object toward her, and in the darkness, examined it,
carefully running her hands over its edges. Gaining countless cuts, but also
the knowledge of what it was. It seemed to be a discarded piece of piping, but
from where she knew not. It was half of the pipe, the edges rough and sharp, it
was on these edges that she had cut herself.
She had already worked out that this would be an invaluable weapon, she
had seen enough FBI dramas to know that. It was heavy, and sharp, a perfect
weapon if used correctly, she would make sure it was. Then she realised the
scraping had stopped, and a dim light had been cast into the room. She could
now see it, in all its disgusting glory, and the figure at the threshold. She
did not know him, he was covered in black. She then knew he was not here to
save her. She raised the makeshift weapon. She would kill him if she had to.
Done :)
Thursday, 26 January 2012
School..Okay. Not School..Study
hello. I cant think right now. I am supposed to be doing 'study' and i will be, once i have done this. Im bored, so i thought, get my brain moving, write a blog! Yeah! So thats what i am doing. .. Then, i will check my emails for mums work she has sent me, and do it.. Hmm Right. Bye chums.
Monday, 16 January 2012
If I knew you where coming I would have baked a cake.
Hello! I just made a victoria sponge. Without any help in the making section. I had help finding things. Its not round, its not neat. But it looks, smells and the crumbs taste lovely. So I really rather happy. And my step father told me it smelt (smelt? right word? I dont know) good. That made me happier than, well i guess mum telling me she was proud of me. Yay! Wahooo. :)
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Hello. I am writing a blog. Yes i am. How are you? Im not really sure what im going to write. :) Anyway. I am very happt this evening, so is my mum. Thats probably one of the reasons Im happy. But it can all change. :)
Monday, 9 January 2012
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Shkool and praise poems
Hello mein friends! How dost thou be? Wow. What was that. Today I commented on one of my friends. Who is trying to come up with and excuse for history. I told her not to. Excuses are never good. They drive me mad. :) Yesterday my mother had me write lots of praise poems. She told me to put them on this. So I forgot yesterday. Well I didnt forget so i didnt have to put them on. That sounds bad. I just forgot about it. I will do them in this blog. This morning. But not yet. Im supposed to be doing school work. But i need mums help and shes in a traffic jam. I also have to have my washout. And feed the rabbits. :( and its raining. Well it was. But whenever it rains the building site is a mucky mess and pulls mty shoes of. So i wear wellies. I have to take out the dogs too. Yesterday mum told me to write more in my blogs. You may have read it in the comments of the blogs. You may not have. Anyway. Sorry mum, for assuming that people dont read this anymore. I have posted the link to this blog twice on Fb now. So I think I need to explain this blog. Okay! Ppls! This blog is my thoughts. Dragons and other stuff is a load of tish tosh. The life. of the world is my blog for my best friend. Dustwing. Well. Not my best friend. But, um. Part of me. Basically. Wow. I havent written this much in a while. Oh well. I cant delay the poems anylonger. I dont really want to post them. But my mother does. So i will.
Praise Poems
praise David King! Friend of all.
Brother to Becky.
where he steps, friendship blosoms,
he loves all, all love him.
I am the rays of light from his glorious smile.
Praise my brave mother!
Defender of me.
who stands bravley against the
raging storm, and tames it.
I am here, I am listening.
Praise my step father!
speaker of truths.
who walks into the abyss,
and guides the lost.
I am the hard place, the abyss
is the rock. :)
Praise my father, my step mother!
who stand toghether,
and brave the winds
of time
I am nothing,
a visitor.
Praise Emily, the light!
The reason bringer.
Whithout whom,
I would be not a better person.
I am your friend,
Praise my family!
Who stand toghether, untied.
Well, that was embarassing. Um. Id like to tell you my other poems now. If I may? There are only three.
I am the mighty minotaur,
the cloven footed warrior.
Who tried in vain to be kind,
but couldnt quite manage it.
I am Theseus the hero,
who sent the minotaur to sleep.
I am the shining dragon!
The awe inspiring beast.
Who's parents where beauty and,
strength itself.
I am the honest farmer, the
most honest of farmers.
Praise to Chirion the wise centaur!
Teacher of heroes!
who was so kind, he died
to free another.
I am the peacefull breeze,
the raging storm.
There we go. All done. Longest blog i have written I think. :)
Praise Poems
praise David King! Friend of all.
Brother to Becky.
where he steps, friendship blosoms,
he loves all, all love him.
I am the rays of light from his glorious smile.
Praise my brave mother!
Defender of me.
who stands bravley against the
raging storm, and tames it.
I am here, I am listening.
Praise my step father!
speaker of truths.
who walks into the abyss,
and guides the lost.
I am the hard place, the abyss
is the rock. :)
Praise my father, my step mother!
who stand toghether,
and brave the winds
of time
I am nothing,
a visitor.
Praise Emily, the light!
The reason bringer.
Whithout whom,
I would be not a better person.
I am your friend,
Praise my family!
Who stand toghether, untied.
Well, that was embarassing. Um. Id like to tell you my other poems now. If I may? There are only three.
I am the mighty minotaur,
the cloven footed warrior.
Who tried in vain to be kind,
but couldnt quite manage it.
I am Theseus the hero,
who sent the minotaur to sleep.
I am the shining dragon!
The awe inspiring beast.
Who's parents where beauty and,
strength itself.
I am the honest farmer, the
most honest of farmers.
Praise to Chirion the wise centaur!
Teacher of heroes!
who was so kind, he died
to free another.
I am the peacefull breeze,
the raging storm.
There we go. All done. Longest blog i have written I think. :)
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Ramblings of a centuar
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